
Monday 16 July 2018


I was woken up at sunrise today by a dream, whilst in the dream I could remember what happened, then when I woke up I could only remember the last aspect of the dream. In the last aspect of the dream I was laying down on a bed and my hair had been braided, it looked like it was in different rainbow colours.

In dream interpretation if your hair is braided it foretells of "forging a new link of friendship." 

While resting the braiding had begun to come undone. It wasn't a tight braiding, it was like hair tucks, when the hair is rolled.

Rainbows in dream interpretation indicate an "end of troubles followed by great happiness".

The book of Revelation mentions the rainbow above the head. Rev 10:1. That reminds me of a dream that I had about Israel after the first mission to Israel in 2006, I was dancing around the home of an Israeli family in rainbow colours. I shared that dream with the spiritual family in Israel that knew of my heritage and namesake, Joseph and the rainbow, the coat of many colours.

To experience a dream that includes different colours it can mean that "You can expect increasing security and success if you dreamed of a mixture of bright colours".

Is it a coincidence that over the weekend an orthodox Muslim was writing about paradise to yours truly, I smiled and cited how the LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob. He didn't understand it, Psalm 87:2. Salvation is rejoiced in the gates of Daughter Zion. Psalm 9:14.

So then I gave him another message about colourful paradise and cited Rev 2:7, the next total lunar eclipse is on the 27th of July this year and it's in Aquarius my sun sign of the water bearer.

The wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. Rev 12, the woman in Rev 12, is the same woman mentioned in Micah 4, the two different prophecies overlap in timelines. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. Rev 13 also overlapped with Micah 4, and in Rev 13, wisdom was called to do the count, it's easy to add up, and then do the soferim. Micah 4 includes the mission to America in 2008 and my return.

When we are looking at the book of Revelation we have to look at the Greek and in Greek mythology, paradise is reserved for the souls of the great hero's. Have you been someone's hero or heroine during your life on the planet.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one that is victorious I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of theos". 


  1. Trump and Putin were definitely hero's today in their press conference together, most impressive. So happy. Putin sunk the Obama titantic with his revelation that Clinton received $400M for her campaign. The summit was definitely worth waiting for. Now the ball is in America's court, let it go viral. Red Caps on!

  2. News is that a 42 year old special agent on Trumps protection team suffered a stroke in Scotland in the middle of the night whilst on night duty protecting John Bolton. The reports say that he was taken to hospital in Scotland, and his family were with him when he passed over on Tuesday. May he rest in peace, and his family be comforted.

  3. Some have speculated that the broach that Elizabeth wore when meeting the Trumps was given to her by the Obama's.

    In fact, the broach she was wearing was her mother's and it is written that it was inherited. It's known as the Palm Branch, when in fact the diamond broach looks like a KOMMA.

    The colour that she was wearing, blue, is also the colour of the conservatives in the UK.

  4. I forgot to mention my front door got fixed on Friday the 20th. The lock had to be moved. So indeed, security was increased.
