
Thursday 26 July 2018

15th of Ave Tu B'Av

These eclipse energies soon arrived with the big day tomorrow, the total lunar eclipse and the planet is experiencing a huge heat wave. It's hot very hot indeed, it was so hot in England today, it was even to hot to sunbathe in it. So drink plenty of water everyone and food that has water in it.

When I start thinking about food and what I am going to cook, it is often due to a holiday arriving. For the Jewish people it is the 15th of Ave: Love and Rebirth when the maidens dance in Jerusalem.

Historically, the daughters of Jerusalem danced in the vineyards, so one can say that they danced in nature. I've certainly been pottering a lot in nature this week and we even had a rain dance for fun.

It is written that it is a great time for weddings, this Jewish holiday of love.

Hag HaAhava

The most recent with women in it, was a dream of a "Summer Fair".

The garden is flourishing, and this evening I am going to make what is known as "New Green", as I am growing more cucumbers than I can eat. I like "New Green" and we used to eat it with salt beef in London.

If you don't have much of an appetite in this heat you can make some food that you can keep in the fridge, so I shall make some latkes too this evening and I do fancy some chicken Shish kebabs. So shall marinate some chicken in lemon juice and olive oil overnight.

What else is on the menu, asparagus, avocado, egg mayonnaise, zucchini fritters, marinated anchovies, mussels in red capsicum and tomato sauce, new potato salad, tomato and red onion salad, rice salad or cous cous, herbs and lettuce, tapas.

Fruit wise, it's a choice of honey melon, apples, banana, lemon juice and Greek yoghurt. I have plenty of food choice for this 15th of Ave, and the total lunar eclipse in my sun sign of Aquarius.

Real Greek yoghurt is excellent for the body when it is very hot. I always used to eat it while sunbathing in Greece. It's also great for the brain too. Although the American scientists discovered that it has to be the proper Greek yoghurt.

It's certainly the time to wear your summer hats, get your hats on.

Please drink plenty of water during this heatwave, so says the water bearer.


The future of farming, vertical, hydroponic growing.

With or without soil nutrients is the question many are debating.

The sustainable food trust have provided an article on it.

The self-sustainability of a country is essential, no country should be importing trillions of imports like America does. Although in America there are millions of people now living off the grid. Food security is essential for any individual and country.

As such, it is important that individuals also take some responsibility for growing some of their own food. Food growing is actually a wonderful learning curve, and it can be so full of joyful experiences.

However, what is also essential is that people are offered the choice of having a garden or growing space to tend. In Slovenia most of the people grow their own food on the land with their homes. In Italy they have agritourismo's, where farms also provide holiday accommodation to boost their income.

In the UK, we have an allotment law. Whereby, there has to be enough allotments available to offer to local people that would like to grow their own food. With the extensive building of smaller and smaller properties that is going on the UK, where are the extra allotments; where are people meant to be able to provide for themselves?

As the saying goes, "You are what you buy", so what are you buying on this total lunar eclipse on 15th of Ave Tu B'Av. For some like myself it's too hot for shopping, I don't like shopping, I can think of better things to do with my time.

I remember sharing with a neighbour that it was going to be a hot summer, she didn't believe me. The way it is now, it's looking like all weather records are being broken and some are saying that it is likely to be the hottest summer for 350 years in the UK. The Daily Express reported that is was 100F in my county yesterday.

This total lunar eclipse is also the longest that it has ever been in my lifetime, so what does it mean for you?

So what about the vineyard, I do have a grape vine. Although the English are doing great with their vineyards. The 2018 heatwave, a bumper year for British wine.




15th of Ave Tu B'Av 

So what of daughter Zion, daughter Jerusalem. 

The watchtower for the flock. 

The herald that came at the appointed time 
and delivered the revelation in Hab 2. 

That seems like so long ago now, nearly a decade ago,
 when that biblical prophecy was shared and explained.

So what is happening in Israel, Syrian rockets have landed in the Sea of Galilee and Israel have brought down a Syrian fighter jet.

Three Israeli's have been stabbed outside of Jerusalem by a "terrorist". Israel is on full alert, due to Hamas planning a series of attacks across Israel.

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