
Sunday 24 June 2018


Interesting message was received this weekend. "The love song you are free from it". 

So let's take a look at what the texts says about the love song.

In Psalm 18:1 David sang the words of a song when he had been delivered from the hands of his enemies and the hand of Saul. He said, "I love you, LORD, my strength".

Psalm 42:8 "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me-a prayer to the God of my life. 

Blessed is he that cares for the poor.

Do you remember when we were writing Sonnets to God, that was a beautiful time.

Isaiah 5:1 "I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside". 

Ezekiel 33:32 Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice, and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice". 

My musical instruments are for healing purposes and I have a range. My voice is also an instrument for healing those that came for healing.



June 2018 

Those that did put what I shared with them into practice, I qualified, they were justified, those that didn't, were not qualified or justified by yours truly. An important aspect of that was to honour your teachers and elders and to always honour the source. So behave yourselves and do what is right!

We can sing and we can dance, we can march, yes, they did like the sound of my voice. We can also swim in the oceans of emotion, mystical healers know how to collect the treasure within to retrieve what is important to retrieve. Of course, some people require help to do that with mystical healers that have been trained divinely to help the people.

Remember this that Jesus sent out his healers to help the poor, to raise their vibration, to let them feel the power of love so that they know it truly does exist. For the poor to know that they have not been forgotten, that his healers exist and are always ready to help with whatever is required to lift humanity up.

That can happen in many different realities and locations at different times, there are millions of healers spread across the planet doing great work.

Miracles are real, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. He sent out the healers that were worthy to be sent out to help the people, and the worthy clients that could afford to pay for the time given, helped to provide for those that couldn't afford to pay.

In scripture, Jesus warned that every town and city that refused his healers, judgement would be upon those towns and cities. That is a sad fact of the matter. Fortunately for Israel, they provided great hospitality for this healer wherever I was sent.

Always remember she came to you as promised in the prophecies and one became a thousand in these radiant healing hands.

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