
Thursday 28 June 2018


On the 19th of June, 2018, Yahweh asked for CUMIN SEEDS while I was preparing meat balls so I included the seeds that he asked for in the recipe.

In Greece cumin seeds are a condiment, grown throughout Greece, historically, the seeds were in their own container on the table, like we have salt and pepper. If we look at the nutrients in "Cumin Seeds" they are powerful in nutrients for the intestines.

In the Greek linguistics the word for cumin is "Kymino".

In Biblical Greek we also find the word "Kyma" and it is translated as "wave". Strongs 2949, wave as in water. In the recent dream in the home, a young man of my son's generation was asking what have I done, so far today I've paid the water bill and I've done the washing up, cleaned the kitchen work surfaces and oven.

As we know in spiritual symbology, water is symbolic of the sacred feminine, and the ocean of emotion where healers are able to retrieve the treasure.  As Yahweh said, "Your love is as tall as a tree and as deep as the ocean". 

The magnitude of an ocean and it's space where we and the fish can swim. It alway amazes me how pristine the waters of Greece are.

The waves of the ocean are also impacted upon by the moon and my moon sign is Gemini, the communicator. Communications can be emotive can't they, it's amazing sometimes how people either react or respond. Do people know the difference between the two, sometimes people are silent, and as Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance".

Some people have translated Kyma as meaning a "pregnant woman', and in Rev 12, the wondrous woman from heaven is with child and has the moon under her feet. As we know with the birth comes the waters breaking, the water of life.

We also know that when a woman gives birth to a child, her brain is changed scientifically. The scientists say that the brain is only changed when the first child is born.

That's interesting because in Israelite philosophy, the first born is holy to the LORD, due to the child being devoted and dedicated to the LORD by it's parents. My mother, Lily was an only child, a first born, I was a first born, and my son, like his gran, the one and only.

Remember Apostle John was on the Greek Island of Patmos, where it is written that he received the revelation.

In the Michelangelo fresco of ELIAKIM he spread the paint of the woman and child.

Remember Jesus complained to the priests that they were giving people herbs and spice, e.g. medicinal food, but they weren't giving the poor justice.

So if we compare that to modern day, Jacob Rees-Mogg celebrated the Christian food banks, whilst people are being 'unlawfully arrested" over their freedom of speech, so we write, FREE TOMMY, FREE ASSANGE!

Not only that but Theresa May was celebrating ramadan, whilst our women and children are being raped all over the UK. What justice is there for our youth, and bereaved families, when a Muslim mows down three children with a car on their way to a party, and then the police do a cover-up on what happened to Josh, Harry and George. Their families are having to fund raise to bring a private prosecution, where is the justice when the bereaved families have to do that!

If we return to Isaiah he spoke of how they beat the spice with a stick, Isaiah 28, although Solomon did love his spice mountain. I do like hot and spicy don't you, I do like those chilli's. I am growing chilli's and sweet peppers. They like their chilli's and sweet peppers in Greece too.

How many girls were beaten with a cane whilst in school. I was, when I was in secondary school, the head of the school beat us teenagers with a stick. How times have changed for the better since my days in school, men are not allowed to hit youth in school with a cane during my lifetime on the planet.

In the ELIAKIM fresco you will see that the woman holds the child close to her face, heads and hearts together in protection to preserve his sanctity. The child raised up in the arms of love beyond measure.

How did I get the moon under my feet, I stood on a glass in a Kent river when I was seven years old. Seven stitches created the scar and we know scientifically that cuts in childhood mutate genetics.

When Jesus healed the female child what did he say do you know, he said, my name in Aramaic.

This is a lovely bust of Jesus that they found in the excavations of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city near the borders of what is now known as Afghanistan. It's a fantastic depiction of him, it's so accurate.

In Hebrew the root verb QUM, means to rise up, arise, although you can also find it biblically as KUM. It is written that in Greek KYM is pronounced as KUM, in English we have KIM.

It's written in scripture that he put my name everywhere since ancient times, you can find it in so many different cultures and languages, I even have a Greek Island with my name in it and it's got a castle too.


Greece always in my heart, to think of all those times I went to Greece and the Greek Islands since the late 70's, and none of the Greeks mentioned Kimolos to yours truly.

I've been to the Greek Islands at least ten times. I'd really like to visit Kimolos - to see what I can pick up there. Although it is hotter further south in the wintertime.

Kimolos is close to Milos so I could visit both of those Islands at the same time, Milos also has a small airport, so you must be able to fly to Milos from Athens. Some of the boats and ferries stop in the wintertime, so if you were wishing to go on an Island hopping adventure to those two Islands, you would have to check on available transportation and how regular any transportation is.

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