
Monday 25 June 2018

Strawberry Moon 28th of June

The Daily Express share that this Strawberry Moon, won't happen again in the Summer Solstice week for another 46 years, so it is a special time. I like strawberries do you, I eat some fresh strawberries every day now, they just keep on coming, as I have eight strawberry plants, it's such fun growing your own food.

It's a full moon in the UK on Thursday, June 28, and the 28th of June is the "Day of Stimulation" and I think that's the date of the England -v- Belgium match.

This graphic opened up automatically on screen. HMV logo, year of the dog. His Masters Voice! My son was born in the year of the dog and so was Donald John Trump.

That reminds me of the dream at dawn this morning when someone was asking me what I've done. 


So this month, this full moon, is about "What have you done", have you done everything that you planned to get done this month. No I haven't, but we do still have the rest of this week to catch up. 

It's a good idea to have a plan for the month, a plan for the week, and a plan for the day, otherwise you can find that days, weeks and months can drift by. So this evening is a good time to write a list, and get it done this week. 

My garden is sorted, the washing is done, some housework done, more to do. I used to have a motto "Don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today", because if you get it all done early, you can have a day off to relax. So get it all done, and then you can watch the match later in the week. 

Pam Gregory shares that this Strawberry Moon is in Capricorn, closure of a cycle, completion, fruits of your labour and rewards for it. Did you take responsibility or not, are you growing some of your own food. 

8 planets in cardinal signs. The Theta is the eighth letter in the Greek alphabet, it also looks like the figure eight. It's a great time for painting. Pam says that Mars is in Aquarius, she's right, we can just cut off, when our heart says enough, it is, especially where friendships or business is concerned. 

That then reminds us of BREXIT, and how we are indeed cutting off from Brussels and it's officials. Our lads in Russia are also singing BREXIT songs, with their match against Belgium. It's going to be one of those weeks and the real British people are saying, no, no, no to Brussels. 

Capricorn and the goats, on the menu this week is goat's milk, and Greek yoghurt, it's good for my back and constitution. Greek yoghurt is also great for when the weather is hot, it's very cooling for the body. The weather forecast is for a very hot week, this week, getting hotter everyday, so make sure that you drink plenty of fresh spring water. Salads and fruit, avocado is great for your skin too.

What else is happening, we still have the migrant crisis in Italy this week, and the Italians certainly know how to kick up a fuss when they decide to do so. 

Those Italians are hot blooded, and they like their goats too, they keep on blocking the NGO boats that keep on arriving, and it is getting very serious indeed. Europe is rearing up, countries butting heads with each other, the only solution to the economic migrant crisis is to keep on saying, no to Macron and Merkle. Say no to France and Germany, say no to Belgium, say, no, no, no! 

I also noticed that Algeria are deporting economic migrants too, even Algeria are deporting "illegals". I've had enough of people quoting Jesus about loving our neighbours, the thing is that a lot of the economic migrants are not our neighbours, they come from a different continent to us. The invaders should stay on their own continent, they have more room and space than us. We can't feed the world, each country must take responsibility for it's own people. 

Also remember what happened to Christian Armenia when they let their neighbours into their home, the Turks took over their land. The difference between America and Europe is that we've had war on our soil, and we said, never again, and we mean it. Did you know that at least 800,000 Greeks died during WW2. 

Civilised people in our countries are not up for civil wars either, just look at what happened to Yugoslavia. If it means deporting people to avoid a civil war in Europe, then that is what we have to do immediately.

We cannot have a situation whereby, our own people feel threatened by foreigners being in our countries. 40 years of women and children being raped in the UK, is 40 years that is far too long. 

It's time for deportations, it's time for us to make snap decisions, and sudden judgements because recreational drugs are being distributed in schools and far too many junior and secondary school children are at risk.

Mars in my sign of Aquarius, means it's on, we're taking it on, so don't allow anyone to push you around. Don't allow any foreigner to stand against our democracy, and our vote to leave the EU. 

Any foreigner that stands against our democracy should be deported, we should not be in a position whereby foreigners are allowed to go on a rampage in our country and stand against us.  


June 2018 

As far as I am concerned, Mars in Aquarius the water bearer is very patriotic, these are our historic cultures, and we are not up for cultural genocide of everything we and our families have worked hard for in the last 100 years. 

We like our English strawberries, we like our English food, and we like our historic culture. Not only that but we will defend our friends in other European countries and cultures that deserve our help, at any time that they ask for it. The patriots have arisen, united we stand together to defend, so it is more than possible that there will be a big showdown this week and a climax to it. 

My advice, ride the crest of the wave and be the awesomeness that you were born to be, make this week a WOW time, as the dreaming has begun. 


What were the supplements this month, the seeds given divinely in this month of June, "CUMIN SEEDS" for preservation and self-preservation is also about salvation. Meat balls with cumin seeds, lovely for the world cup. I'm even growing some cumin myself. Let's see how I get on with that in the garden. Big smiles. 

At least our Tommy has a television to watch the match. Positive thoughts to our patriots and Tommy.

What else, we've had the love song message and the prophecy that relates to the love song. 

This week my celery from last year is flowering due to the weather that we've had this year, that means that celery seeds will be coming too. What a wonderful learning curve growing food is. I do like food that recreates itself. I also have new celery in too, along with rainbow chard, beetroot, spinach and lettuces. I won't have to buy any salad or herbs this summer. 

Saving Celery Seeds

1 comment:

  1. Pics in, are you harvesting your homegrown strawberries?

    As we know South Korea beat Germany yesterday, Brits were celebrating in Russia. England -v- Belgium today. Have a great day everyone.
