
Friday 8 June 2018


As written, Solastalgia is a "neologism that describes a form of psychic or existential distress caused by environmental change" and the environment in our country has definitely changed.

The word Solastalgia coined by Glenn Albrecht was formed by the combination of the Latin word "Solacium" meaning "comfort", and the Greek word, "algia" meaning "pain".

Philosopher Glen Albrecht wrote that "Solastalgia is when your endemic sense of place is being violated".  

That is exactly how British patriots feel in England when "injustice" is allowed to continue in the land. As Vivienne Westwood put it, the British government and it's judiciary are involved in the "misrule of law" in the case of Julian Assange.

Julian Assange is also suffering from "Health Insecurity", as diagnosed by a medical professional. As he cannot access the medical treatment that he requires. The medical report is on his website.

Although many patients in the UK feel the same as Julian about the access to suitable medical treatment.

In 2015, the medical journal, The Lancet wrote that "Solastalgia", is a dis-ease or lack of ease due to a hostile environment that a person feels powerless to do anything about". 

That is what happened when Islam began to take over towns and cities in the UK and the so-called authorities did their utmost to silence people about what was happening in our countries.

There has been case after case and yesterday, I was given the name of "Samantha" divinely, and when I looked; one of our British patriots had gone to see the family that has been impacted upon by Muslims in this country. A family "devastated", and their teenage daughter "violated", by Muslim men.

At the same time there has been a 68 year old Imam in Leicestershire, that has been convicted for raping a 19 year old girl, he has been given a 15 year sentence. Apparently, it costs £40,000 a year to keep a man in prison per year in England, the man has eleven children and that whole family are "illegal immigrants".

That one "illegal Muslim" family has cost the British purse over a million. Yet, Conservatives have the audacity to parrot the political line of "There is no money" to 1950's British women that have had their pensions removed from them. Economists have said that has cost each woman £50,000. 40 year olds are now being told that they will have to wait until they're 70 before they will get their pensions.

If they live that long, that is, my dad passed over at the age of 57.

Then we have the case of the child that was put into care, Essex County Council, removed that child from the county of Essex, and moved the girl to Rotherham.

The Times journalist, Andrew Norfolk, shared that ECC paid £250,000 per year for the child to stay in what is referred to as a "Solo Care Home". It's a home where only one child is cared for in the property. That 13 year old girl was raped by 50 Muslim men in Rotherham.


Andrew also shares with us that there are loads of these "Solo Care Homes" for vulnerable youth that are owned by private companies, that includes financiers and equity firms. It would be great if he would give us a complete list of those companies involved.

Those properties are in areas where it is a known fact that the youth are being raped and the institutions paid for by our people have turned their backs on those youth.

It brought Andrew Norfolk to disclose the facts to the academics and policy makers, and thanks to the editor in chief, at Times Newspapers, they kept on ramming it home again and again to their readership. Andrew Norfolk says that he first began getting the alarm bells in 2003. Over four years earlier I was given the divine mission with youth whilst living in Australia.

Although I felt compelled to question local solicitors about Islam in the 90's, and their response at that time was "It is their culture and nothing to do with us". I asked a member of our social circle to arrange dinner with a local barrister and former high ranking police officer, (that I knew) as I wished to discuss Islam with them, and the request was completely ignored.

It took Tommy Robinson from Luton to wake up the football supporters, to what was going on and what a high price our citizen journalists pay for disclosing the truth to more people. Tommy knows it, his family have lived it, he's seen what's happened to his place of Luton, he's seen how the landscape has changed.

When you hear his whole story, and how he put his whole life on the line, if you have a heart of mercy, you can only feel compassion for him and his family in this situation. He's only 35, and he has matured so much during the last ten years. His heart is still humble and true to his London roots, he stills weeps when he sees the huge support, and he still weeps when he hears the stories of the families. My dad used to say that only a strong man can cry!

Tommy could see what was happening to our country and so could I, it was when we turned into the new millennium that I began to share about freedom of speech on line, and it was in 2006, that the intensity of the sharing increased with spiritual people, privately and publicly, the sharing of the "awful realities of radical Islam".

Not so much about what was written in the Qu'ran, more on what was really happening in different countries wherever it went. As I was participating in an international forum where stories and facts were coming in daily from the people in those countries.

I was like a pent up flood that just couldn't stop, I was sending out 6-7 emails a day internationally and up all hours day and night, the outpouring was huge, who could understand how and why I was so compelled. I understand Tommy and why he feels like that too.

Talking to anyone and everyone that could or would listen on and off line. Continually, people began asking to be removed from my databases due to what was being shared about Islam. On-line every weekend, and holiday, just in case there was anyone that required help and support after the new millennium began.

At that time spiritual people in Italy didn't wish to hear it either, now in 2018, the Italians are talking about deporting "500,000 illegal immigrants". Yes, their landscape changed too, and the beautiful Italy that once was, became a "violent", and "hostile" environment and cultural genocide had begun.

Is it any wonder that the rate of depression in men in our country, in our culture, is the highest that it has ever been in the history of the records of our country. The environment of our country changed with mass immigration that has to be stopped and borders have too be closed.

Due to the change in our environment, the change of the landscape of towns and cities of our country, is it surprising that our people think that the British government is "hostile" and "treasonous" to it's own people. I shared with a woman that there was a big shock coming in her location to do with Islam, soon after, the Telford story was announced.

It is certainly how the Windrush generation feel, "violation" from the state can come in many different forms. A state that our country trusted, a judiciary that we believed in and supported, yet, just look at what has happened to our land and people that try to spread the truth.

How can the lives of our people be repaired, when so many have been so devastated by political initiatives that supports Islam in preference to our own people.  How would Theresa May feel if she had been raped by 50 men, perhaps she should try it to find out.

Then we have Sadiq Kahn, a Muslim Mayor, and an increase in "youth homicide", by 70%, youth homicide was practically unheard of in the 70's, (and the joining of the EU) and prior to mass immigration that results in cultural genocide.

The UKIP leader, Gerard Batten has shared on Twitter that the people that are running the "gangs" are all immigrants.  David Lammy MP shared that 11BN is involved in it in London.

Sadiq Khan doesn't have the solutions does he, Theresa May who campaigned to remain in the EU, doesn't have the solutions does she, her husband is a financier, and they embrace the EU and Sharia Finance and Law as do many of the banks. Theresa May the Islamic appeaser!

So what do the academics and policy makers who have been complicit in supporting Sharia Finance and law say to our people now. If you mention "cultural genocide", to LBC, they cut you off the radio.

If you mention women's human rights to their pensions, London female journalists have the audacity to ask you if you've paid any tax for it and refuse to tell your story of how you started work part-time work at age 13, and full-time at age 15.

When I was given the mission of compassion and mercy to help depressed and suicidal children, nearly twenty years ago, to fund raise and open centres for the youth, do you know how much support I received from a local Liberal Democrat MP, zero.

I received some PR coverage of the pure intention, and was commissioned to help families at Sure Start.

What about trying to get help with a charity that could've helped so many of our youth nearly 20 years ago. Who really cared about our youth 20 years ago, I did, enough to put effort into trying to raise the money for it. However, most people just turned their backs, and some people even had the audacity to say, "I don't care about children". 

You see the thing is, that a woman that has given birth to a child, as a different brain scientifically, to a woman that hasn't. So I can appreciate why Theresa May's brain is different to mine, and why she cares more about Muslims and the Islamic ideology than she does about our own people.

If we are to make Britain great again, we have to put our own people first and if other people don't like it, then they can just go home because our people across the spectrum, people of all colours have had enough of living in the "hostile environment", that our country has become.

Our people of all colours remember what our country was like prior to mass immigration, it was largely a safe country to live in, not anymore. When youth can't even go to a night club or pop concert and do what young people do without being harmed by Muslim men at our cost.

The cost of lives is priceless, the parents know that they can't bring back Josh, Harry and George, mowed down by a car walking on a side street going to a teenagers party. It seriously is time for private prosecutions of MP's, and other civil servants and police officials that have been complicit in creating a landscape and environment that has caused so much needless pain and suffering to our people.

The British corporation and it's "corporate manslaughter" and "criminal negligence" towards the youth, in this country, what is more serious and "treacherous" than that!

How many people told you that the Qu'ran instructs Muslims to do what they've done to our youth, how many people tell you that the bible foretold what would happen to those people that are engaged in it.

How many people told you that the herald came, the appointed time came to run with the prophecy, that the cup of the LORD's right hand was coming around to those from the oil rich countries, and that "shame would cover their glory", of those that "destroyed towns and cities and everyone in them". Hab 2.                                                                                                                                                                            

The prophecy also mentions Lebanon to give the prophecy a timeline, and southern Lebanon was decimated by Arafat and his men in 1975-6. so tell the truth to the youth about the nature of Islam, because that is when the last days of the end times began.

How do you think the Christian Lebanese felt about that, "displacement", from their own beautiful country, the ancestral roots of their families, and language, cultural genocide instigated by members of Islam.

The LORD Almighty has a soft heart for Lebanon, and do not forget it, for I shall not. The meaning of Lebanon is 'White".

And before the pharmaceutical companies jump in to come up with a drug for "Solastalgia", you can go run and jump. Drugs can't put right what politicians have done to our country, environment, landscape and people, pharmaceuticals are not the solution to it, although "criminal prosecutions" of the people that planned it are.

I was going to go out today, but Samantha and her family were more important to me, so I just had to write this instead. Phil is looking into arranging a go fund me page for Samantha and her family.

So I applaud Phil for doing that and will share the link to it when it is uploaded.

Thank you, heaven help the families and comfort those families with our support and hearts of love, always remember how our Queen of Hearts adored children.

If I was involved, I would try to make sure that Samantha and her whole family were given the opportunity to move away, and to move to a place of safety, a place where they can try to start a new life together. Support and the power of love is absolutely essential to comfort those families.

As an American wrote recently, "it's time to get on your hind legs". 

Righteousness certainly knows how to rise up when it is essential to do so. As I said to a charity worker in 2014, "I can defend myself there are others out there that can't, the most vulnerable don't know how to defend themselves from the state and it's systems". 

They are the families that I have been most concerned about and I became even more concerned as each year went by, grace as been under pressure for a long time.

Tomorrow in London a massive march is planned for Tommy and the youth. 9th of June.

Toni Bugle, M.A.R.I.A.S. has put her right foot forward, and is organising the Mothers Against Radical Islam and Sharia in London on the 20th of August, please support her if you can, in anyway that you can. Let Toni know that you care about the youth in our country, and what is happening to our young people.

My heart goes out to all of the families that have been impacted by what has happened during these last days. Remember the power is with the people when we are united together. Together we stand, arm in arm in the front line, it's not easy, life rarely is for the poor, although together we can overcome.

My last point is this, children have human rights too and as Jesus said, "children are not a commodity, without love they become so". Will our nation put our children first in this context, because the politicians plan on organ harvesting, so they like "knife crime",  and "youth homicide" don't they!

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