
Tuesday 26 June 2018


Seeing symbols again today while in the garden. It looks like a het. Funny I've been putting some strings up for the borlotti beans too climb. After the het I saw a lazuli blue box shape.

My beans they've got flowers on them, and beans coming, although the dill has bolted in this weather.  I think there is definitely an art to growing dill. Although I did do OK to get some from seed this year.

The borlotti's were grown from seed too, seeds that were gifted, the first born of the Son of Joseph is gifted. It's difficult sometimes to paint what you see, because it often happens quickly, as it flashes before your eyes with it's moving energy, sometimes it's difficult to capture what was seen in a painting. I like this colour very much, it's so bright and beautiful.

I put a pole between two trees and then wound string across. The pole enables strings to go down too to give support for the beans. So they get sun and some shade, as the weather is very hot in the UK at this time. Summer has indeed arrived.

I think the boss is asking for blue mats underneath the containers, I have got a couple of bath mats that colour that could go underneath the pots. Today is the 26th of June, and that is the "Day of Stamina". 26 is also the numeric of the name of God.

Jeff Benner, author of the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon says the Het became the Greek "ETA"

A Greek alphabet song. 

What's for dinner, I think it is going to be some borlotti beans, don't you. I could make a tomato, red onion and bean salad to have with some more avocado, and green leaves and herbs from the garden.

I've also got some tzatziki that I made last night with Greek yogurt, and a homegrown cucumber with fresh mint. So it is a meze this evening.

This food growing lark is great fun, it is wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Message received on Tuesday, "He's building a fortress".
