
Monday 18 June 2018

Raheem Kassam Helping Tommy Latest

In this live stream, Raheem Kassam former Breitbart London editor, author, and public speaker, shares that he had a discussion with Tommy's wife and gives her feedback on the latest situation.

Raheem Kassam is a friend of Tommy's and he is orchestrating various activities to support Tommy and the cause whilst in America.

The children and Tommy's wife have seen him, and Raheem also shares that Tommy is only allowed £10 a week to spend in prison. Raheem also confirms that there is 30% of Muslims in the prison that he is now in. The legal case to defend him is on-going, people can donate to Tommy's website, or to Rebel media so people have a choice.

This video was uploaded yesterday. You can write to Tommy in prison if you would like to do so, the information is included in the video.

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