
Thursday 21 June 2018


Whilst waking up this morning the message was "PROPERTY". It's an interesting word isn't it, property with the word "proper" in it.

Pope Leo XIII wrote "It is surely undeniable that, when a man engages in remunerative labour, the impelling reason and motive of his work is to obtain property, and thereafter to hold it as his very own" 

My response to that is not all men are made the same. My dad liked living in central London and he refused to buy a house of bricks and mortar because it would've meant that he would have had to move away from the location where he was born and grew up.

The Son of Joseph was determined to stay in his social housing, he passed over in it too, to the sound of church bells with sunshine streaming through the window. Dad's view was you can't take property with you when you pass over, so what use was it to him. He didn't mind paying for council housing over and over again in rent, he saw it as paying his contribution to building more communal properties for more British families.

The self-educated, Son of Joseph was a class act, he knew the law like the back of his hand even prior to becoming a Justice of the Peace, he so loved to sing and dance. 

He believed in the importance of having land and housing stocks that were for the common good of the community, to keep families and communities together. That's a very Judeo-Christian ideal, as Jesus the Jew also lived in a community, his spiritual community living with his healers and followers. Some Christians don't like to hear that do they, Jesus the socialist living in what was once called a "commune" sharing their incomings together.

The nearest to it in Israel today is a kibbutz, and there is some wonderful kibbutz in Israel, I visited at least 4 of them on my travels in Israel, they were all beautiful in their own way. Some of them have remained agricultural, some have hotels on them too that brings in extra funding.

Living on a kibbutz is far better than living in a London tower block, I know which I prefer, living amongst nature.

In the 70's, 70% of our British population had grown up in social housing. Hence, in those days, it wasn't viewed how some view it today. The only reason that I bought was because it was cheaper to buy than to rent in those days. Although that was when property prices began to soar, the first flat doubled in price within two years.

Wiki share with us that in medieval and Renaissance Europe the term "property" essentially referred to land. As far as the British government is concerned, they're doing land grabs of the people's land all of the time, and my view of the "hostile environment" policy is also about ceasing properties due to overpopulation. The UK is definitely overpopulated for its size, and people in the UK, live in the smallest properties in Europe.

The same with the "bedroom tax", that is a "hostile tax", on the poorest of our country. It's also a "discriminatory tax" too because it only impacts upon one section of the community.

The UN reporters have told the British government that they have to stop it! Alas, the government and monarchy don't take any notice of what the UN says. Housing is a Human Right in international law, and pensioners are not subject to the "bedroom tax", although the disabled are, where is the justice in that!

There is a warning in the bible about what they're doing to widows. "They devour widows houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely". Mark 12:40

If people invested in their own property, they then take everything that you paid for during your life, to pay for care costs and charges are over £30,000 a year for a place in a care home. When people thought that their N.I. and taxes paid during their working lives were paying for NHS care homes. It's all being privatised that's why the cost has soared at the same time that train fares soared when that was privatised.

My dad wasn't up for investing in assets that the government could then take away due to the amount of tax that he paid during his working life. After all that tax and N.I. that he paid in, he didn't even live long enough to enjoy his retirement with his wife who also paid her fair share too.

Hence not everyone has the same motivations for doing what they do and living the way that they choose to live based upon their own principles and heart of conscience.

Some invested in properties and land instead of putting money into pensions. That was my view although I found that when it was difficult to sell a property, I just wished for my freedom from it and the high cost of it's on-going maintenance.

Once I gained my freedom from having a mortgage and a property to look after, the sense of freedom was incredible. I was no longer tied to anything, I felt as free as a bird with the flexibility to go and be anywhere that I liked to be, at anytime, as long as I had the money to pay for it.  Although some people travelled on the back of rents from renting out their property/properties. I met an English  woman in Australia that did that.

Young people today seem to think that it is their human right to purchase property and land and in America, it is the American dream.

Real British people didn't think like Americans, in the 50's, and in the decades that followed it, home ownership was not the priority for our people, our priority was social housing and a national health care system, the rich and the poor backed it.

We are real and staying real, we're on it!

In fact some of the rich even built and donated property and land for it to be so - especially during Victorian times.  It was also common in Europe to rent rather than to buy although in my grandpa's day you could buy a family house for £200 in London, when rents were £3.50 a week.

The last time I was in Italy, I could rent a flat in Assisi for 140 euros a month in the historic city.

Although in our historic culture our people lived upon the land and grew their own food too, historic communities. Some people were still living in caves in the 1950's in England.

I think there is going to be big ripples to do with property due to receiving the property message this morning.


"When the field is released in the jubilee it will become holy, like a field devoted to the LORD; it will become priestly property" Lev 27:21

Funny, that I live on a farmers field, the way that situations came to be, the way that he planned everything makes me smile. I've been living on the field since we turned into the new millennium.

In biblical law the first born Israelite is given as a dedication to the LORD. Hence the birth name that the Son of Joseph gave his first born indicated that. I've got my dad's blue eyes.

The bible tells you that everything so devoted is most holy to the LORD, so you could say I am his property, and he owns me. As I used to say to the Americans if you have an issue with me, best you take it up with the LORD for I am his.

That song is about the woman in Proverbs 31. Wisdom more precious than rubies. Clinton wore rubies didn't she, although her money came from the blood of African-american prisoners and there is nothing noble about that - now is there. 

Then we have Theresa May that doesn't make sure that the children in our country get the appropriate nutrients, and her government are into organ harvesting. There is nothing noble about harvesting people's organs or removing the pensions of women born in the 50's, women that helped to build the economy of our country. 

People were more important to dad than bricks and mortar. Hence in that regard, his first born took after him. 

However, assets were important for financial backing for running my own business when the time came to do that. Financial liquidity was important to keep cash flowing into the business especially in the early years of the establishment of the business. 

I certainly did put my money where my mouth was once I had earned enough money to do so. It also enabled yours truly to help others at the same time as supporting myself and my son. I never took it for granted, as I understood the cycles of time. I made the best contribution to our community that I could, when I could, in the best way that I knew how with integrity in my heart. 

What else is happening with property, in Greece they are increasing land and property taxes in some areas. In Israel, Brian of London shared that the king of Jordan just gave land away, to people that had never lived on the land or paid any taxes on it. Yet, Israel does it's utmost to honour it, bizarre situation ain't it.

I think it was Prophet Isaiah that warned the property developers about what was coming. In Africa women are building their own houses to live in. How amazing is that!

"No longer will they build houses and others live in them. Or plant and others eat, for as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands". Isaiah 65:22

Then if you think about it - Jesus the Jew was Mary's first born, as such Jesus is also holy to the LORD. Jesus liked to talk about the fields didn't he, and Prophet Isaiah warned people not to make all of the fields one.


Jacob Rees-Mogg takes on the EU, Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame and Esau will be stubble.

My dad and his dad worked together at the Times. Jacob Rees-Mogg, he's a class act ain't he, he rips into the EU officials. Ripple, ripple, ripple!!!

1 comment:

  1. Radical Pakistani men tell Hindu's that there property belongs to them. This article was from 2015.
    I've also noticed that Answering Islam website that had a page on women being 'war booty' in Islam as been removed. So who has removed that website!!!!
