
Monday 25 June 2018


During the BREXIT march in London, Pro-Brexit -v- Anti-Brexit debate.

In this video, an immigrant in our country, tries to tell an Englishman why British people voted for BREXIT. Immigrants trying to overthrow our democracy, the immigrants and their self-interest. They be afraid we will send them all back to where they came from.

If immigrants keep on standing against our own people and our democracy, we certainly will demand that they are sent back home. This is our Island it belongs to us, not immigrants. When immigrants came to our country prior to and after WW2, the Greeks, Spanish, Italians, the Windrush generation, and Jewish people, they didn't stand against our democracy, or our people.

We the English are not putting up with it anymore. The anti-BREXIT march was full of new foreigners, standing against the democratic vote and our people.  We can tell they're not English by their accents.

We had our independence day two years ago, we voted with our feet. We should be leaving the EU completely now, not tomorrow, now!

If I went to live in any other country, would I be standing against it's democracy, of course not.

Common sense and a moral compass prevails in my life.

Did you know those pests in the garden they don't like lavender, or sage. So I bought some more, this time I bought purple sage, and I've put lavender with all of the seedlings to protect them.

I also bought some tall bamboo yesterday too, to help the cucumbers to stand tall. Interesting that our English team was beating Panama, as I was buying the bamboo canes. LOL! Kane gave us a hat-trick!

I found a cocktail dianthus reduced too, it's really lovely, pleased with it. In my garden it will receive lots of tender loving care from these radiant healing hands. I also picked up some oregano, I do like oregano on homemade pizza,

Most of my tomato plants grown from seed are doing great, most of them survived the weather so far. The rest of the salad, fruit and veg is doing great and I've picked my second homegrown cucumber, eating fresh strawberries everyday. I do like a homegrown English strawberry!

The sunflowers are coming along great too, so I am now trying some pumpkin seeds.

Love beyond measure, love from a patriot that enjoys the garden of growth and our team winning.

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