
Monday 4 June 2018

MAGPIE Message

So this week we've had robin red breast flying in the direction of the garden centre, and today the Magpie has come for a visit.

When I opened the door I saw the bird on my right, it flew into the direction of the town. Magpies cycle of power is the winter and summer. I saw the Magpie after a phone call was received today from a colleague and teacher of complimentary medicine therapies.

The church don't teach people to talk to the birds do they, how can the church ignore this important biblical teaching and our connection with creation. For "creation evolves and evolution creates".

"ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky and they will tell you, or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you". Job 12:7-8

Author of Animal Speak, Ted Andrews shares with us about the Magpie. "Their appearance most often reflects opportunities for advancement through proper use of intelligence". 

Funny that magpies have messy homes, if you have magpie totem it can indicate that "you are going to experience the spirit realm and metaphysical world in a different manner. It is a bird with a will of it's own". 

As we know Magpies like to collect, so I view the message from the Magpie that there is something for me to collect.  Time I went into town to have my therapeutic massage and also pick up the musical instrument that appeared before yours truly.

God knows what other surprises he has in store for me, as the bird was on my right, it is a message of joy.

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