
Friday 29 June 2018


I shared the "Cumin Seed" instruction with you from Yahweh and the recipe for the meat balls.

So what did I have for lunch that included cumin seeds that are for the intestines today.

Baby beetroots sliced, with Greek Fage yoghurt on the top, Greek yoghurt, it's texture is like cream cheese. If you are going to have Greek yoghurt, then you have to have the real thing. American scientists discovered that it was only real Greek yoghurt that provided a benefit to the brain.

That's probably because the gut flora impacts upon the brain.

My British beetroot and Greek yoghurt then sprinkled with spring onion, red chilli, cumin seeds with some grated Parmigiano Reggiano on top.

Served with homegrown lettuce and beetroot leaves fresh from the garden, with some sesame oil for the dressing.

Colourful, light on the intestines, easy to digest, nutritious, tasty, and refreshing in the hot weather.

The good news is that the cumin seeds that I put in soil earlier in the week are growing already, cumin the preserver is growing in the healing room.

Now we have to have a few words with FAGE as they're another company that moved their headquarters out of their home country. They should take the jobs back to Greece and the Greek economy.

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