
Friday 1 June 2018


I was in a large English garden and a British business man that I knew gave me a large plant to put in the garden, I was so chuffed with his gift and admired it in the garden.

Then later on in the dream all of the flowers were gone, and people were in panic about what had happened to the garden, everyone thought they had been taken.

Then suddenly as I and others were about to leave the garden we saw that all the flowers and plants had been moved to the gate, so that we wouldn't have to carry them so far. They had been moved on our behalf.

As I was coming out of dream state I then saw the face of a Greek man on my left, and I received Diana's words again, "Reasons to Believe".

This photograph was taken at Athens Airport. 
I'd just arrived at the airport and saw the historic statue of the child. 
So I took a photograph of the statue; 
this is what appeared on film when developed. 
The manifestation of the golden Christ energy. 

In dream interpretation to dream of a "garden in bloom is the absolute best in respect of spiritual satisfaction, domestic love and financial security. " 

To dream of fresh flowers, brightly coloured growing outdoors is auspicious for personal happiness. Flowers have always been important to yours truly, some of our family were florists and my parents and grandparents were gardeners. Flower power and the power of the flowers, herbs, fruit and veg.

I think the help that was received by the British businessman and his team, helped with moving everything, everyone shifted, and putting your right foot forward is positive for England's garden and pastures green.

If you think about it after our people joined the EU, it impacted upon the happiness of our people, and leaving the EU improves the happiness of our people.

It took the English people to make a powerful move of putting their right foot forward and do what was right for our country and culture. That is having a positive impact on other countries that would also like to leave the EU. There is no reason to panic, stay calm, be patient, what our people thought had been taken, has been lifted up and moved to make things easier for our people.

The connection with Diana (Queen of Hearts) and Greece is very strong. In mythology, the heavenly Diana is associated with the moon and we have just had a flower moon. So what is so important about today, 1st of June, is the "Day of Being Seen". 


Interesting the Domesday Book mentions FLOWERGATE, in Yorkshire.

"The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob". Psalm 87:2


  1. News today, from UKIP leader, Gerard Batten's Twitter feed, is that a family visit to see Tommy in Hull has been cancelled without an explanation. Gerald Batten asks are they moving him. Remember this is the "Day of Being Seen".

  2. The ad industry is on it with the LUSH campaign, that has caused outrage because its about the police being "Paid to lie".
    Outrage over Lush ad campaign as cosmetics firm claims police are 'paid to lie'.

    You gotta see this let this one go viral.

  3. While bathing I saw Lady Diana again, it was the picture of her at the nursery.
