
Tuesday 19 June 2018


Victory for England -v- Tunisa, England fans will be celebrating the first win with 2-1.

The World Cup has begun. Apparently there were more Tunisian football fans than there were England fans, Tunisians are not poor than are they, if so many can afford to go all the way to Russia for the world cup.

I must admit I didn't like Tunisa when I took my teenage son on holiday there after he began secondary school. I really didn't like the energy of it. This empath is very sensitive to energies in different locations and on different lands.

Tommy will be happy that England won, England jumps for joy.

24th of June, England -v- Panama.

28th of June England -v- Belgium

11th of September, England -v- Switzerland.

LOL Russia beat Saudi, 5-0.

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