
Saturday 23 June 2018


"Macron sparks fury as he compares rise of populism to spread of Leprosy".

You have to laugh when they trigger like that, yours truly, the Jewish sages spoke of "a leper to the house of study." 

I like seeing energy appear before me, the other evening this symbol flashed across my left hand.


Academia couldn't brainwash me, my dad was self-educated, my parents didn't study at university, and nor did I, they couldn't control this Aquarian whose key word is freedom. Tell Macron, Elijah the healer of youth, brought the free gift of the water.


Tell them it's the age of Aquarius the water bearer, and freedom is the word, love compels the compassionate action with a heart of integrity in it. We can dance and we can swim, we know how to collect the treasure within.


23rd of June, 2018

The EU can't rule us, they can't rule our souls. Our souls don't belong to the EU, we're not their property or estate, it's not their continent to control, it's not their waters or fish either.

I've got a big fish wrapped around me, shielded by big fish. Whales have a lot of Chi don't they, they love our planet. Twin fish, my Venus is in Pisces.

I remember the days when meeting Dr Horace Dobbs on the circuit, he used to say "swimming with dolphins is like swimming with angels, and swimming with whales is like swimming with God". 

Do you remember how the big whale turned up in the waters of Israel in 2010 and how we all celebrated the divine providence and fulfilment of it's prophecy. The sign of Jonah indeed and the Queen of the South, surely, the judgement had begun.

That was the same year that "calamity Clinton" said that "America was losing the information war". Last night I saw that Clinton has been in Ireland, there were banners held by protestors outside saying "lock her up". LOL!

Remember that it was the Clintons that gained their wealth by taking the "blood of African-American prisoners." Can you believe it my Tommy tee-shirt was made in Haiti, that reminded me of Haiti and how they're still waiting for the money that Clinton is supposed to have raised for them.

I came up from the south and soared to the north like a rocket, I was ready when it was time for the herald to run with the Hab 2 prophecy at the appointed time.

Message received, "The love song you are free from it".


Look at this in Victoria today, Queen Victoria would be so happy. She used to turn up sometimes when I was teaching people how to become healers. I went to school in Victoria, what a lovely sight. 

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