
Friday 15 June 2018


I had another dream this morning and it was a computer dream, I was looking at a computer screen and a warning came on the screen, it was a count down of time that was left before the computer would close down, and I had four seconds to close down the computer myself, or everything on the computer would be gone. It looked like a computer hacking with the computer warning trying to save itself. I had four seconds to save the computer and everything on it.

In dream interpretation if you dream of machinery that is smooth running in good condition it is a sign of success in your current efforts. If there is a clock in your dream it means that "there is no time to waste". 

FOUR SECONDS was on the digital clock. In dream interpretation if you can remember the numbers in your dream it forecasts good luck ahead possibly connected with the dream number or some derivative or multiple of it.


The numeric of FOUR is a feminine number, it is a number of instincts, it vibrates to planet Mercury, the messenger, it's also the number of thought and logic. The numeric of four reminds of this recent painting. I have a Gemini moon sign ruled by Mercury, I also have the moon under my Lotus Feet. 

June is the month of the GEM IN I. My spiritual friend David (UK) was a Gemini, he would love my garden and growing food, he was a team leader of ecological self-sustainability.  

June is the month that Michael, a scholar, a soldier, and former senior university lecturer (USA) passed over in 2010, there was so much on their computers, a lifetime of work. 

Donald John Trump is a Gemini, a powerful communicator, he loves the feminine doesn't he, he is a man that is compelled to defend the feminine. Trump is an action man, a doer, he gets things done, he's a man that has "no time to waste". He don't have much time for Theresa May does he! 


A dream such as this is pushing the person to proceed, take action expediently as "there is no time to waste". 

Mercury and communications is full on this June, it doesn't go retrograde again until July and it is usually when Mercury is retrograde that there is often issues with computer technology. So the numeric of four is important, and I'd like to see Tommy's appeal in the courts prior to the 26th of July. 

The numeric of four is important, is there any reason why the case can't be heard within four weeks, I'd like to know when the case is going to court. Expediency is essential! 

The next Mercury Retrograde is in Leo and Leo does like the drama. As we know, Obama is a sun sign Leo, and he consistently stood with the Islamic ideology while in office, he even promoted it, while British patriots and veterans stand against the Islamic invasion of our European countries. 

It was Obama that hired radical Muslims to work on technology, and Trump replaced them. 

News today is that Tommy's wife and mother have made the decision with Tommy for Rebel Media to raise the monies for the legal fund, with all monies going to pay for the appeal. Any monies left over will be given to Tommy's wife. There has been a change of lawyers that are representing Tommy, hence the delay. Indeed as far as Tommy is concerned, "There is no time to waste". 

Love to Tommy, and his family. 

As far as the inmates in Onley, who knows. If I remember correctly, it was Gerard Batten that said that a majority of inmates in the British prison system are "illiterate". Whether it is one muslim or many more, Tommy's life is still in danger wherever he is in prison as far as I am concerned.

Remember what Jesus said on the 5th of May, "Never leave me alone". That was the day prior to the "Day For Freedom" in London. Remember what the Muslim Hijab said, "I'm ready to fight, I'm ready to die". Radical Muslims don't have to be in jail to be a threat to life and in any jail they can be a threat to those that stand against their ideology.

Someone did a reading on Tommy, and he said they were making Tommy a "scapegoat", as we know the British media have constantly stood against Tommy, as they constantly "blame and punish" Tommy for the actions of others. The media have been responsible for trying to drive patriots away from supporting Tommy. Although true patriots see right through it with the power of light in their eyes and hearts.

They closed him down on Twitter didn't they, another sign that there intention was too close Tommy down, to stop his communications and defence of freedom of speech. Twitter did the same to Milo in his defence of freedom of speech that is an international human right, universal declaration article 19.

It is a human right to dissent, international law, we don't have to agree with anyone that implements "injustice", and it will be fought in the courts when anyone refuses to live by the law that defends freedom of speech.  In defending freedom of speech we are also defending our democracies and culture of democracy.

We cannot allow people to stop freedom of speech that brings love, light and truth to the people, we cannot be passive in such situations, we have to respond when we witness any "injustice" against anyone.

Just look at what they've done to Julian Assange, cut off his internet access and he has had to stay in that embassy for years without appropriate medical treatment. While they "blame and punish" truth tellers, men, women and children are suffering. It cannot be allowed to continue, and "there is no time to waste", as lives are in danger daily. 



13th of June, 2018 

"An open mind is an open heart", and "love without integrity is like an ocean without fish". 

David (UK) and this heart of integrity that I was chosen for, Michael (USA) used to say, that I was his moral compass. Where would humanity be without a moral compass, where is the judiciary in the UK for truly I know what the police force did to that CEO, they did their utmost to close him down for sharing truth.

Just like they continually tried to silence me since the new millennium began. As soon as I began sharing truth on the internet, they tried everything didn't they, even hacking my computer, banning yours truly from different locations, they even went after my son twice. Some of us can defend ourselves, although there are many out there that can't. 


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