
Monday 18 June 2018

Christian Ireland -v- Islam

Just seen this report of an elderly woman, Rose that was "assaulted" outside the Corduff Mosque in Dublin. Intimidated by a group of Muslims and a Muslim woman outside the mosque prior to being pushed off her bike and into the road. It happened last Friday.

The police still haven't taken a statement or charged the person that did it. The Muslim that "assaulted" Rose, should be charged immediately, sentenced, and then deported. Investigate the mosque ask to see all of their passports, then close the mosque afterwards. Enough of "violence against women', and Muslim 'name calling".

It's Monday today, Rose is still trying to recover from what happened on Friday.

Christians in Ireland should read the Hab 2 prophecy, the herald ran with the prophecy at the appointed time in 2009.

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