
Tuesday 12 June 2018


Dermatologists are telling people that there is "no underlying serious medical condition", that "cherry angiomas" are more common in women, tend to be genetic, and increase with age.

Medical websites including the official NHS website tend to agree with what Mandy shared on that link.

They most commonly appear on the face, on the chest and arms, although they can also appear on the legs sometimes. It you try to speak to a cardiovascular consultant about it, they are dismissive of your concerns and just say "thread veins".

What the doctors don't tell you, is what is causing it, because on their official websites they say that they don't know. So if they don't know what causes it, how can anyone treat it or explain it properly.

As far as I am concerned how can a medical doctor be a consultant and a specialist if he doesn't know what causes blood explosions in the body!

Be gentle and tender with the soul as it is like a sentient flower that can be easily crushed in your radiant healing hands. The ancient order of the Sisters of the Rose, a special mission of compassionate action and mercy.

I'm writing this today, because I just noticed I have series of them on my right arm, three big ones, and a few more small ones. It's the first time I have seen a series of them with that many and I appreciate that has the body ages, the skin also gets thinner, and is more prone to the angiomas appearing. Usually they only stay one or a few days and then disappear. The fact that they are most common in women, just goes to show that our bodies are made differently to men.

From experience I know that they can be a sign of a cardiovascular condition going on, a condition that a person might also know that they have. Cardiovascular health condition susceptibility can also be genetic from the line of the mother and her mother.

When you look at the shape of your body, who does it resemble, if it resembles the shape of your mother, than you are more likely to experience genetic conditions that she did, because your body has been made like hers physically, although you may have completely different character as I do. My mother was a Pisces sun sign so she was much more emotional.

When consultants look at your body, they rarely ask about family history in health, like a health investigator like myself. Nor do they appear to take other conditions into account to get the bigger picture of what is going on. I can honestly share with you, that I haven't met a single doctor that takes a proper case history. When I take a case history with a client, it can take anywhere between 45 minutes and an hour. It can't be done in ten minutes.

In England, consultants do a quick five to ten minute examination, and if you don't require an operation, they're not interested. So then you leave the consultant's office, without having anymore information on it, than when you went in. Then you think to yourself, how can that appointment cost my doctor and the NHS so much.

As far as I am concerned, if you have got blood vessels exploding, yes, something is definitely going on in the body, and it shouldn't be ignored. I noticed that it happened more after I was given blood tests etc and in fact, I still bruise a year after having a blood test. My body as alway bruised easily.

The skin does not like being pierced, in fact we know scientifically, that cuts in childhood, mutates genetics. May Issue, of New Scientist, 2007,  for the full article on it.

The reason that I have a moon scar under my left foot is because I stepped on a broken glass in a river when I was just seven years old, I was then rushed to hospital for a tetanus injection, and I received about seven stitches. I was so tiny, the smallest one in the school photograph.

The scientific article also shared that when the genetics are mutated in childhood due to cuts received, it was proven that can then be the cause of skin conditions and allergies.

How many consultants ask you if you had any cuts to your body in childhood, ponder upon it!


So now I am very reluctant to have my body pierced in a blood test, unless there is a very serious reason for it. I'm also against body piercing for the same reasons, as that also damages the meridians, that then impacts on your health. When you are doing hands on healing, you can actually feel where the blockages are due to piercing.

I don't have "cherry angiomas", all of the time, they tend to come and go, little blood explosions just under the skin. It's only when they appear again, that it sets me thinking about the cause again, and what can be done to alleviate any pressure that may be on the thread veins.

Grace under pressure can happen in more ways than one, my blood pressure is usually normal, so it's not blood pressure, it can be related to the age of the skin, although the medics say that children and pregnant women can also experience them.

Hence, it is clearly impacted by hormone levels, and that can be helped with improved diet and the appropriate nutrients. Also in a pregnant mother clearly, the baby she is carrying is also taking the nutrients from her body, so she too requires help with collagen and physical nutrient defence boosters prior to and after her giving birth. In my case, my baby was taking all the calcium out of my body, and I couldn't stop eating oranges. In my late 20's, I didn't realise he was taking so much of my calcium until it began to impact upon my teeth during pregnancy.


So consider this to be one of my health research projects, that is on-going, as on physical issues I am not satisfied until I have answers to my questions. That's just the way that I'm made. One of the issues for the medical professionals is that the scientific medical researchers are still discovering systems in the body that they didn't know existed prior to their discovery, and that is one of the reasons that they don't have all of the answers.

It's a good idea to keep a food journal of what you are eating and when, what you are drinking and when, also how much rest you are having. As they all impact upon each other.

Start your own research project, take a note of when and how often the "cherry angiomas" appear and where exactly. Boost your collagen production when it happens; to help the elasticity of your vessels, examine your own bodies daily and take note of what you are seeing.

I also recommend some lymphatic drainage, and deep tissue therapeutic massage, because there are lymph nodes in the armpits and groins. Lots of tender loving care ladies for your lymph vascular system.

If you are like me, you probably forget to take your collagen supplements, due to being busy, so I have to get into a routine again. Aquarians tend to buck the trend, and don't like routine, unless they're living with someone else, so Aquarians have to really put in the effort to have any routine in their lives if and when they live on their own.

I do have a selection of foods for specifically boosting collagen, it includes avocado's, and I also have a marine supplement of natural collagen to take. As I used to say, spiritually, 20-30 years ago, onwards and upwards, now with health I say, stay on it!

There are collagen blog posts and recipes on this blog if you put it in the search engine. See that's a lot more than the doctors have to say, isn't it, I've even given you a picture of one of the systems in the body. Should we have female consultants and GP's that specialise in women's health, I think so.

I always said that I would grow older gracefully, although I didn't anticipate grace being under so much pressure big smiles. Pressure in business is very different to pressure in health, and when I am under pressure health wise, I usually come up with some appropriate solutions with divine help. 


10the of June, 2018. 



Funny that they call the blood explosions "Cherry Angiomas", because cherry fruit is great for the lymphatic cardiovascular system. I really like cherries, I do make a lovely cherry flan with whipped cream. I also eat them in their natural state when they are in season. I quite fancy a cherry flan actually, although it is difficult to get hold of morello cherries. I do have some tin cherries in stock.

Today, I am finishing off the oats, banana, apricot, sultana's and honey cake with coffee. Then I shall finish off some chicken and veggies. Then I shall make some chicken brine from the bones for the collagen, and make a nice soup for the body, it will definitely include celery that is a great detoxifer for the endocrine system of the body.

I also have some asparagus that is also great for any water retention, and lymphatic cardiovascular system. I do like asparagus, lovely and healthy. Asparagus with an avocado salad, that's for dinner, healthy and light on the intestines and easy to digest. The older you get the more attention you have to focus on with the intestines, as they tend to become weaker the older that you get too.

So strengthen your physical bodies as much as you can, and please pay attention, and allow your bodies to inform you that you have to pay attention to it. For your health is your greatest wealth.

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