
Wednesday 27 June 2018


Do you remember Yahweh's message received on the 3rd of June, of how successive British government had made itself an "enemy of the people for arresting people for petty offences"

Not only have they been arresting people for petty offences, but they have also been imprisoning people for them too.

News today is that the British government has come up with a new strategy to keep women out of prison. A Justice Minister today said that "jail terms of less than a year should be scrapped for most offences " 

Prisons Minister Rory Stewart said that these people should be handed community sentences instead.

He told MP's that a push to "significantly reduce, if not eliminate offending rates." His comments came after his boss David Gauke said "short term jail terms should only be handed out by judges as a last resort".

The report shares with us that many of Britain's prisons are overcrowded and plague with drugs, violence and periodic riots. He told the Justice Select Committee that "his top priority is protecting the public".

I think it is too late for the Conservatives, the damage to our people in the UK has been done by the words, deeds and actions of the politician's. I don't think that the Conservatives or Labour will ever get a majority of the electorate voting for them again.  Once BREXIT is over, they can't hold any of our people over a barrel anymore. 

Former Home Secretary, Theresa May played BREXIT to extend her reign, it was emotive and tactical, it backfired upon her, and the real people of our country haven't forgotten how the Conservatives tried to increase their majority. 

With hand on my heart of integrity,  I couldn't vote for any of them in the last national election, I didn't vote for Brown Blair, or Cameron either. Our people in our country have had enough of being "denigrated", by the career politicians and it's political class. 


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