
Friday 29 June 2018

56% Population Increase UK

Jack Buckby reports on the population stats that the UK now has a population of 66million, with 56% of the population increase due to immigration. In the last year the population has increased by 392,000.

Of course these stats don't include the "illegal immigrants" of which there are many. At least two criminal cases highlight that fact. There was a couple from Jamaica that claimed that they were living in Grenfell and they weren't. There has been the 68 year old Pakistani imam that raped the 19 year old. The question is how many "illegals", are in the prison system costing British tax-payers £40,000 a year to keep them there. Didn't the Conservatives keep on chanting that "there is no money". 

In Athens in Greece, they were giving new EU identity and paperwork to "illegals", that means that they can move anywhere in Europe once they get their paperwork, and the government won't know where their country of origins are. I met an Iraqi in Greece, and he said that he didn't mind whether he was given an Italian or German identity, just as long as he could get to Germany. 

Italy has said that once an "illegal immigrant" lands on European soil then they have to be distributed throughout Europe. Currently, Italy have over 600,000 illegals that they have talked about deporting. Italy are also stopping the NGO boats that are trying to arrive. 

Italy is defending it's coastline with Italian ships at the ports of Libya, and paying to train Libyan coastguards whilst Libyans are raping immigrants. Islamic Libya an oil rich country, that gave it's people free education, free homes, free healthcare, free energy and water etc. Yet Italy is paying to stop Libya being human traffickers, whilst Italians are in poverty and have none of the privileges that Libyans have enjoyed. 

What we are talking about is cultural genocide of Europe and the huge rise in "crime rates" is due to the population explosion of migrants. Even the UN know that they are not refugees. 

You don't redistribute wealth by moving people from country to country, while the rich get richer on the backs of the poor. The UN's climate change excuse is not a reason to allow millions of people to invade the west and you can be sure that it is an invasion of our historic cultures. 

Maggie Thatcher knew what the EU plan was and she shared in parliament that the plan was to make our "poor, poorer", and that's another reason why she kept on saying, no, no, no to the EU and the Euro. 

While Jacob Rees-Mogg celebrates the Christian food banks that soared during Cameron's reign, in scripture it is written that Jesus spoke of the injustice when medicinal food was the only tithe and he called out the orthodox on it.  

If your country has to give people food to survive, it means that there is vast inequality in your country. Certainly the historic author Charles Dickens was on to that in Victorian times and in modern times the gap between the rich and the poor has increased hugely with the huge increase of immigration. 

Jesus told his healers they wouldn't only be given food, they would be given somewhere to stay, clothes and money by those that are worthy of his worthy healers. 

So to all of those Christians out there are you living up to the principles that Jesus shared? A white South African had to flee with his mother to America due to the war there in the 60's, he went onto  stand against Christians and the Churches in America due to it's "massive hypocrisy", as he viewed it. 

Americans didn't help him, although I did my best to do so. Michael phoned American Christians for help, they didn't respond, he'd been dead for three weeks by the time they found him. Michael gave strict instructions that I was the very first person that should be told if anything happened to him. The American Christians didn't even do as he instructed, they didn't do what Jesus instructed either. 

We have parents in the UK that can't afford to clothe their children and put new shoes on their feet, we have parents in the UK that can't afford to feed their children properly. We have veterans in the UK that are homeless. 

We have parents in the UK that are bereaved due to their children being murdered by Muslims. We have families in the UK that are devastated that their children have been raped by Muslim gangs. It's been going on for decades. 

At least Maggie Thatcher thought of our people first, I think she would've got on great with Trump.

People in the UK live in the smallest spaces in Europe, and we are also the most densely populated, as such, close the borders, no more immigration. Deport all "illegals", and deport all "criminals" and their families whatever country they are from, deport them. I was compelled to give that message to a British politician back in 2007, just look at what has happened since. I told him to bring the troops home to defend our country, if not, there would be bloodshed in every town and city. 

I warned the politicians again in 2013, "there will be anarchy if you don't stop the immigration now". London is certainly experiencing that. Our people are a minority in their own capital city, and British people have told Sadiq Kahn that they don't feel safe in London anymore. 

Cultural genocide has already begun in Europe, only rapid and drastic action can stop the invasion and a civil war in every European country. 

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