
Friday 18 May 2018


18th of May, 2018, is the "Day of Activity", so what will your activity be today. Just a few days left of National Vegetarian Week.



Melchizedek, King of Salam, how many believers do you hear speak of such a great Spirit, the great Melchizedek upon his throne. Melchizedek that brought the bread and the wine for Abraham. 

How many people have seen the inter-galatic being and know what he looks like and what he says. 

How many people know that he truly does exist and have received words from him. Words that you can never forget. 

King of Righteousness, and High Priest. How many people received their ordination from him, and were ordered by him to take an action. 

The book of Hebrews shares with us that when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor. Hebrew 7:10

Scripture explains that Jesus was transfigured when he saw Moses and Elijah in Spirit, yet the scripture doesn't mention his spiritual experience with Melchizedek does it. 

King David was given a new revelation and that three people would come to help Israel, he was told that the person that they were told would come first, would come second and the first instrument to arrive would be the the Lute of Loving Kindness, and that person would be born upon his Father's land, Jesse's land. 

King David did his courting on his father's land between Mount Carmel and the Galilee, so it was clear the area where he would be born. It's logical and basic common sense. 

This pleased King David and made him very glad, he was so happy, that a person that would come would be born in Israel; as they knew that another person that would be coming would not be born in Israel, but would be born upon an Island. 


Another reason why the Apostles and disciples went looking for the next person that Jesus had told them would come to help his followers, a person that would give glory to his teachings and bring back to their remembrance what he had taught them that was important for his followers to know. 

In the revelation that King David received he was told that the second person that the Jewish people were told about first, would be the Harp of Faithfulness and Moses had asked for the blessing to be given to a descendent of Joseph's family. 

How can you be faithfully loyal unless you are faithfully, and trustfully loyal to Spirit. For how can you truly know Spirit unless you have known it and seen it with your own eyes wide open. 

People speak about many different philosophies, but how can you truly know what is true unless you have experienced it for yourselves. Always keep your minds and hearts open to experience new spiritual realities, for it is spiritual realities that change your worldview. 

I've called this blogpost TOM DAY, because it was Thomas that was the most skeptical of the existence of Spirit, yet the skepticism of Thomas was swept away with spiritual evidence that proved existence of Spirit. 

As such, the story includes how Thomas was transfigured, in the same way that Jesus the Jew was transfigured when he saw the evidence of the Spiritual existence of the prophets. That is it in a nutshell, just as St Julian was given a hazelnut that was put into her hand to make her body stronger. 

The Christian mystic was given a hazelnut divinely for the nutrition that she required due to her health condition. Study of the mystics from different cultures and their experiences can be an interesting journey. 


It is often the case that mystics take an interest in the other mystics when the journey of the mystic begins. As in the beginning, of the journey people often look for clarity, and confirmation, prior to sharing their experiences with others. 

For those that are reluctant to share what they've experienced, it can take years, before they feel ready to speak to those that they are sent to speak too. Years of spiritual experiences, years of proof and evidence, only when a person of integrity is absolutely convinced, do they move forward to share it to help others. 

When people first start experiencing, they sometimes think like I did, that it was just a one-off experience, then you discover that it isn't, that this is mega, and it continues and continues, and nothing can hold it back, not even any reluctance. It's like the floodgates of heaven has opened up, and the blessings of the spiritual realms come upon you from every direction.

Sometimes you can have a spiritual experience that aligns with what other mystics have experienced spiritually. Each journey is unique, as you travel through the heavens and dimensions, you are always given what you require to do the job that you came to do, just as I was given everything that I required to do what I came to do. 

So just allow your spiritual journey to be, be patient with it, move gently in it, for completion of truth really does exist. It is your journey so enjoy it every step of the way. 

Ponder upon it! 


May 2018. 

As Prophet Isaiah spoke of it; "No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise" Isaiah 60:18 

"Healing is the path of salvation", and on the path is enlightenment, remember this that both Jesus and Elijah were healers of children. 

"Her ways are pleasant ways and all of her paths are peace."  Proverbs 3:17. 

Shalom, be whole, be complete is important. 

The divine message received in response: "Shadiq, Shadiq".

Maytime always reminds yours truly of the mission to Israel in 2006. Happy and loving memories of everyone that I met in Israel while walking upon the land for three weeks. I even met a young Jewish man in a Tel Aviv bar restaurant that spoke to yours truly about Melchizedek, so we had a discussion about it, as I did have something to share with him. He was so humble hearted bless him.

A filament of biblical prophecy for it was Ezekiel that delivered the message that it would be after the second bereavement (parents) that I would be sent to Israel. It all came to pass as it was ordained for it to come to be in correct timing.

Israeli's kept on asking why I wasn't being sent to Jerusalem the first time I was sent. It's only now that I have been shown the saying, "Next year Jerusalem", and that did come to be too, with the second mission to Israel in September 2007. It's truly incredible how it all manifested in divine timing. How life speeds by, and now another decade has gone by, and this year I am in a one year of a new cycle of time.

So what's on the menu today in national vegetarian week. I've been eating some dates and cashew nuts in dark chocolate. It feels like a fruit day to yours truly, so I am going to have a banana next and some white grapes with fresh lemon juice. Then I can use the lemon pips to grow some plants.

I have some mushrooms to eat up, so I shall have some garlic mushrooms and then make some coriander and carrot soup. To have with some courgette fritters in garlic mayonnaise. I might make some flat breads too. I could also make a small raspberry cheesecake for this weekend. There is lots that is fresh that can be eaten, and the herbs are growing great in the garden too.

Lemon and Jelly Cheesecake

A hiatus time is a great time, a time for a break away from the world, a time to just be with the divine in my home surroundings naturally and spiritually. A time to just allow things to happen around me and enjoy seeing others enjoy their journey that they are on.

My walls of salvation are my paintings on my walls although Hebrew symbols appeared before my eyes in my healing room. I accepted it as a blessing for the room. I've also seen Hebrew symbols appear in the garden too, another blessing given.


The more that you have been given, the more that you can share, when you shone so brightly, as bright as the sun, everyone received a ton. As you taught them to walk on the path of healing love that takes you beyond the endurance of sainthood with the paints. There is always something more to be given, when you embrace the spiritual gifts.

Love beyond measure everyone.

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