
Monday 14 May 2018


I watched a majority of the opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem today. Prior to going to have a bath. Prior to getting into the bath I asked Hashem his view on it, while opening a little NIV bible that travelled with me to Israel in May 2006, and September 2007.  Has it is no coincidence that the American embassy was opened today.

When I opened the book, my finger was on a verse from Psalm 6:9-10. "The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace". 

Our family prayer in our home has been this: "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the Courage to change the things that I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference". 


May 2018. 

Then I just relaxed in the bath of water and he spoke, SHULI. 

While in the bath I saw the emerald green energy again.

After that I saw the colours of this painting pulsating. 

The golden energy began to change, it got larger and larger, and then there were loads of golden beings standing up in it. 

After that I saw a single figure in gold, and it looked like the holy mother Mary. 

In Greece, rosemary was worn at weddings. The Rosemary herb sacred to Egyptian's, Roman's and Greek's. There are Jewish people from Egypt, Italy and Greece living in Israel. 



Then the energy kept on changing colour yellows, golds, oranges, reds. After that I saw the Rebbe smiling at me, I knew he was happy. 

Then I saw the emerald energy again, then there was purple around the gold and red. I thought I can't stay watching this energy changing colour all day long, I've got to get up and go out. 

Love beyond measure Israel

So now I am having a glass of white wine to celebrate with some Greek Feta Cheese, covered in British Hemp good oil and homegrown herbs from my garden. With some black olives and taramasalata.

Could I share my time between Greece and Israel, I think I could. A life partner can be shared with different countries as long as the life partner goes with. Or she goes with her life partner, sometimes a woman has to do what her man says, if she truly loves him that is. Big smiles. 

There have been so many lifetimes that have been shared between men and women, to do what they came to do together, so many past lives, so many soul groups, love beyond measure.

What can I say, congratulations to Israel and everyone that I met while travelling on the land, always in my heart.

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