
Wednesday 9 May 2018


Today a seagull came so close to my kitchen window, and it kept on looking around to see if anyone else could see the large seagull. The food was there for the seagull, but he didn't touch it. His presence was powerful, and majestic.

Then suddenly he saw some other birds and flew to join them. I don't think the bird was hungry or thirsty. The message from the Seagull, "Look around you and what do you see in this garden, an achievement, the ground transformed, and a garden blossoming with herbs, food and flowers. 

Look at you, I came to say thank you from the heart of nature, natures cause in the power of love's tenderness and giving to nature, for nature's growth that feeds the eco system of our planet. In giving we receive in abundance, look around you, keep looking at what you have achieved. 

Life has turned around, it looks completely different, filled with the nature of love, outside of yourself. The colours, the fragrance, the naturalness, the life giving source. The source of who you are, living peacefully in the nature that surrounds you. The nature of your life from the beginning, was always connected to the nature of life that surrounds you. In living your life, staying true to the heart of creation, love beyond measure prevailed". 

Day for Freedom 

So what is so special about today, the 9th of May, is the "Day of Courage". 

I can hear the little birds singing outside now. Whenever I was sent anywhere on a mission, and to carry out a ceremony, the birds would always come to say thank you, when the ceremony was completed. Hence today, is a message to celebrate, the culmination of another job done.

So what is for dinner today, Stifado with borlotti beans, swede, and mashed potatoes. With bay leaves and rosemary from the garden.

An hour later, the Seagull came back again, had a good look around, and ate the croissant, he just left the crumbs for the pigeons. 14.00 hours GMT must be his dinner time. Big smiles.

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