
Monday 21 May 2018

Michael Curry Sermon

I made a potato and vegetarian curry for the wedding weekend and a cheesecake prior to knowing that Michael Curry was given space at the wedding. As it was still national vegetarian week, Shavuot and Pentecost.

By now a lot of people have seen Michael Curry's sermon at the wedding at Windsor. Apparently, he was one of the people recommended to Harry and Meghan to choose from, and it is a known fact that Michael Curry is "anti-Trump", so that just blows his power of love sermon out of the water.

Especially as the divorcee left her first husband, and didn't live up to her wedding vows the first time.

As far as I am aware, Donald John Trump has done more to help African-Americans than any other president of the USA. Yet, Michael Curry is marching against him. Hence he is clearly a Liberal Democrat.

The difference between an American wedding and an historical English wedding was clear for all to see, and so is the agenda. You don't talk about "slavery", at any wedding in the UK, although it's clear that African-American, Michael Curry still hasn't got over it.

Quoting MLK was also an "hypocrisy", as MLK spoke of judging a person by the content of their  character and not by the colour of their skin. Yet, the Markle wedding was all about the mixed race and for sure it was a Markle wedding.

However, I thought the choir was lovely, although colour of skin should not be the issue or the highlight of any wedding. It should be the content of it's character that matters and that is why I am making this post on the content of it. Purely, on principle and in honour of the truth of my homeland.

The British MSM are also on the American "Proud Feminist" parade, that English people just don't like, so seriously don't try and push it in the UK, or there will be a mighty backlash. As the tide has turned.

We are not Americans, we are English, with an historic culture of our own, we don't like Americanism's or American feminism. The real people of our country are anti-globalisation, so the sooner that the young globetrotters embrace that the better.

We are defending our unique historical cultures because we are against cultural genocide. When the American married Harry, she became a British citizen, so she better start behaving like one.

Michael Curry showed "no decorum", or sensitivity to the Diana legacy, and Elton John was clearly "horrified" by the sermon that he gave.

Unfortunately, the American evangelical showed "no humility" before the sight of God, and the godly, in fact, British people are saying that Michael Curry made the most of his "13 minutes of fame" due to the ceremony being televised.

So what are orthodox Christians saying about the sermon, a former chaplain to Elizabeth II, Gavin Ashenden, as said that the sermon was "self-contradictory", "too conventional", "it was not the gospel".

Was it appropriate and in alignment with the Christ teachings, from a spiritual perspective; American evangelicals do not live the real Christ teachings, American pastors like Michael Curry sound like they've got a fever, and should calm down, they come across as "intoxicated" and this is the sober decade.

A church wedding isn't a side show for an American sermon on diversity and multiculturalism. In our country we have more multi-racial relationships than any other country, so don't preach to us. When Michael Curry has solved the situation in Chicago he might have something to say, until that time comes, no thanks.

Jesus the Jew was against being "intoxicated" by the power of his love and he referred his followers to the heavenly Father when praying. Americans have asked for a citing of the scripture, so I have provided it.

Americans are not known for being humble in England or Europe are they, and Rachel Meghan, the new Duchess of Sussex has a lot to learn about the British people, British ethics, and culture.

The real British people that will hold her to account, like everyone else. I don't think that people like Michael Curry are self-conscious enough to really comprehend how other cultures view his approach that just does not fit in with respectful, and peaceful British people.

Some people are not self-conscious at all, and it does help a person to comprehend that the rest of the world doesn't view you, the way you view yourself. I have discussed this previously, how different people view us in different ways, depending upon where they are coming from.

The American actress has a north node in Leo, and one of the weaknesses of her soul journey is that she has a tendency to "overlook what is really going on". The more she overlooks how our people really think and feel, about Americanism's and her feminist agenda, the harder the journey will be for her. As I said many years ago, "America will be humbled".

"Abba, Father", he said, "everything is possible for you". Mark 14:36


22.00 GMT, 21st of may, 2018. Meghan's nephew has been caught with a knife in a London nightclub.

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