
Thursday 3 May 2018


31st of March, 2018, I received the glass tumbler dream.

Then in April given the wine glass.

There is a Pink Floyd song that was released in 1994, it is called "A Great Day For Freedom". In the song the glass is mentioned in the lyrics.

"And with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrived".

On the 6th of May, 2018, we have a major event in London called, "Day For Freedom", on Freedom of Speech. MILO and Gavin can't be stopped, they have British passports. Tommy and the team have organised a stage, large screens, and live streaming for the two hour event.

People have asked if they can bring their dogs, and will it be safe for children, in the latest promo Tommy said. "Yes", in response to both questions. More promos are coming.

Coaches from around the country are being parked on the embankment and they will have police protection. When leaving the event, there will a police escort out of the capital city. The London metropolitan police are co-operating with this major event and Tommy will also have his barrister with him.

The veterans are meeting at Speakers Corner and are walking to Whitehall.

The football lads are bringing the banners.

People will also gather at Trafalgar Square, another meeting point.

There are many different high profile speakers coming, and it includes the new leader of UKIP Gerard Batten, MEP. Have you seen the national media publicise this major event, not likely. This event is the people for the people and our freedom of speech. Freedom of speech that is an international law. Human Rights, Universal Declaration, Article 19.

"Don't take our tolerance for granted, don't take our love for granted, don't take your freedom's for granted".

Cheers, Pink Floyd, I remember 1994, and where I was living and what I was doing in those days. Some people didn't know what I was up to, they didn't know that WHITE DOVE  was on the phone talking to people in many different countries. ALEXANDRA also links into another dream.

Always on the landline, reminds me of my dad, as most of the time we didn't know who he was talking to either. However, I do know he was receiving calls from up north and in the midlands.

Cheers Dad. 

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