
Tuesday 29 May 2018


Message received this evening at 21.00 hours GMT, "flowers are coming". Then I discovered that it is a flower full moon, and this moon is in Sagittarius, my ascendent sign.

The number of 29 is "Grace Under Pressure", in this the fifth month and the five is related to the physical plane. The 29th of May, is also the "Day of Quicksilver", and that relates to the messenger known as Mercury.

That reminds me of my mum, whenever she bought me a handbag or a purse, she would always put a silver coin in it for good luck, and the last time that I bought a new handbag was in the market in Athens.

Some of my flower paintings that have been gifted. 

The flower painting that was sent to America. 

Dancing Ladies - Fuchsia  

Rose of Israel 

Robert Wilkinson calls it the "World Teacher Full Moon" 

"The Flowers Are Coming", links into the message in Matthew 6:28. "See how the flowers of the field grow, they do not labour or spin". "Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these". Luke 12:27. 

"Flowers appear on earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land". Song of Songs 2:12 In ancient Greece, prophetesses were known as doves. 

Rose for Holland

The carnations are covered in buds, 
soon they will flower with a beautiful fragrance. 

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