
Sunday 27 May 2018


This blog is a self-disclosure blog, it's all about the journey. I was excited yesterday when I saw the cucumbers had appeared on my cucumber plant. Little things please me big smiles.

While buying produce to eat I was told, "You don't eat much, but what you do eat, is quality". 

I smiled, as I know that I am never alone, the divine are always with me, watching me, watching you.

What did I have to eat last night, a little bit of what I fancied, I was in a snacking mood, for something light. I can tell you that it did include some fresh marinated anchovies, and pineapple cream cheese with nuts. One of those picking moods, for tapas. A bit of this and a bit of that.

My food intake tends to decrease in the summer time anyway, I do notice a change in metabolism and a change in appetite.


After the message was received, while at the bus stop, I saw the most incredible blue lights go across the land where I used to buy my cars, the blue energy went straight across the car lot where all the cars have been removed, and the energy was sparkling blue. It really was awesome energy going right across it from my left to my right. Both Archangel Michael and Mother Mary come on the blue energy.  It was wow!

Then last night the thunder and lighting it was like the heavens had opened up for Tommy Robinson, it was like the sound of bombs going off, it was a really huge sound, largest I've heard for a very long time.

The media are calling it the "Mother of all Thunderstorms."  There has been 20,000 lightening strikes. 20 being the numeric of judgement upon the UK. I still say the LORD our God has done this, he's not happy about Tommy being imprisoned. The Spirit of Elijah is on it.

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