
Monday 9 April 2018


Following on from the message received in March, "The knives are out". The news coming in on stabbings and shootings hasn't stopped, there have been so many in London and around the country, that I haven't kept up with counting them all.

There has been a woman at a church in Coventry, an elderly man at Manchester Airport, all of the cases involving the youth in London, and now another one in London at a tube station. This time it was a woman wielding a knife into a man at Highbury and Islington station. Highbury and Islington a location that used to be safe to walk in. My homeland, the location where I was baptised.

An innocent taxi driver, just doing his job at Manchester Airport.

St Margaret's Church, Coventry. A woman believed to be in her 30's.

In addition to that in Romford, a gun carrying man has been killed by police, and the community won't be happy about that "shoot to kill policy", by the Met Police.

Clearly, it is not just "black on black" either. Although the figures are even higher than those of New York, do you remember the Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan telling people that we would have to get used to it.

As far as the youth are concerned, Patrick Green, CEO of the Ben Kinsella Trust, said: "For some young people it is that they are genuinely scared. They are generally worried because they have seen or heard of incidents in their locality and they're fearful that they will be the next victim".

In this timeline, London is definitely not a place to bring up children, as children have to live in a safe and secure environment, and there is nothing safe in London now. The high cost of multi-culturalism, and it's cultural genocide, a nation traumatised by immigration.

I warned an MP in 2007, that if they didn't close the borders, if they didn't halt the immigration, there would be bloodshed in every town and city. I told that MP to bring our military home, as they are required at home to defend our people. The testimony of warning was given.

In 2013, I spoke to another MP and told her that if they didn't stop the immigration immediately, that there would be "anarchy", and "civil war". Now look at the state of London, not safe for tourists, not safe for the people that live and work here. The testimony of warning was given for the second time, London is a war zone with no go zones.

Assassination Dream

As it taken our attention away from what happened in Telford, Shropshire, certainly not, there has been another protest in Telford due to what is happening to women and children in that area due to Pakistani Islamic immigration.

On the 20th August there is a M.A.R.I.A.S Women's march through London to Speakers Corner with Toni Bugle and Baroness Cox who will be speaking at the march.

In a recent Sa Ra interview with Lee Jasper he also highlighted the huge "domestic violence" rates in the community, and how that is an even bigger issue than what is going on with the youth. When youth live with a situation of "domestic violence", it moves down the generations, as it is written the deeds of the Fathers impact upon the next 3-4 generations.

I like the honesty of Lee Jasper, although I do think he likes the American "Race Card", frankly the Americans can keep it, as we have seen what that card has done to American society. He doesn't mention how we have the most multi-racial relationships in the UK now does he, that certainly differentiates us from America and it's "race card" culture.

SA RA meets Lee Jasper

In addition to that I've seen a report that there are 2,500 cases of FGM in London alone. What have the politicians done to our country.

So when will the general public demand deportations, and a closing of the borders, it cannot come soon enough. Our country and people are traumatised by what is happening to it.

"Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land" Numbers 35:33

What does Sadiq Khan have in common with Obama, they both oppose Donald Trump, and they both have two daughters. Ever read the Proverb where it mentions the man with two daughters.

It mentions those whose "jaws are set with knives". "the leech has two daughters, give, give they cry, there are three things that are never satisfied, and four that never say enough". Proverb 30:14-15

Haven't the Obama's set up a charity foundation like Clinton did! Yea, we all know what happened to the funds raised for Haiti don't we. Haiti are still waiting for it.

Remember Obama and his bail-outs of the banks, remember Sadiq Khan is saying he requires more money to pay for the police required. If you were employed to do a job, would you accept that job if you knew that the financial resources would not facilitate it. Would you be willing to take it on, I wouldn't, I have to stand in integrity, if I do something, I do it professionally, or not at all.

As far as the alleged "Stop and Search", relating to "Racial Profiling", how can that be true when we know that indigenous English people are in the minority in London.

With English people in the minority in their own capital city, that means that there is a higher % of stop and search with ethnic majorities. Are young white men stopped and searched, indeed they are all over the country.

I can share at least two cases of the same young man being stopped and searched. The first time on his way home from work, the second time, he was at a train station on his way to look for a job in a different location.

When he asked why he was being stopped, he was told that there had been a "terrorist attack" in America. Seriously, why don't we just have metal detectors at bus and train stations. That would save on police time wouldn't it, instead we've got the "speech police' sitting at their desks monitoring social media.

People are looking for the solutions. However, Sadiq Khan, Amber Rudd, Theresa May and Boris Johnson must resign. If there is no law and order in this country, it will end up like America with tent cities. Let me make this clear, I don't agree with black nationalism, anymore than I agree with white nationalism. I'm olive skinned. The colour of your skin makes no difference to me, what I stand against is ideologies that are not compatible with western civilisation.

I know that the Obama's have promoted Islam, Michelle even had the audacity to tell Islamic children in a London school that they will be the next leaders in the UK. No thank you Michelle Obama, if they would like to be leaders, let them go back home to an Islamic country and lead there.

Enough of the invasion of our countries and western nations. If people can't, won't or refuse to integrate then let them go back home to whence they came from. If they can't behave themselves, deport them. Enough, is enough. If people don't appreciate us and our country, then send them back to where they belong. People were warned not to take our love for granted.

There are 770,000 people in the UK that don't even speak English. There are 300 different languages being spoken in London, and in some classes 67% of the children don't even speak English. How can the government expect children to learn in that environment, they can't, children can't reach their potential in an environment where people don't speak the same language, and it is not safe and secure enough for our children to even speak now.

As Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance", and I am not silent about what is happening in this country. It's a national tragedy, when you have a government that has allowed the youth to run rampage with knives on the streets of London or anywhere else in the UK.

Why haven't the British military been sent in to clean up the no go zones in the UK, Islamic no go zones, Theresa May doesn't go there does she, nor does Harry and Meghan.

Welcome to England Meghan, "knife and gun crime", it's like going from home to home, it's just like being in L.A. isn't it. It's not a great time for a wedding is it with all that going on, a country in mourning.

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