
Friday 13 April 2018

RastafariSabbathical Response

This is a response to RastafariSabbathical's (USA) recent passover video presentation.

The lamb is symbolic of innocence. In ancient Judaism they poured the wine over the bread bringing together the masculine and feminine energy. They also put out a glass for Elijah, and they left the door open for Elijah to come through. The door is always open for the Prophet Elijah with Jewish people and people with a Jewish heritage.

Wine is also symbolic of mysticism, and in particular red wine is healthy for the heart and the gut flora. Historical poets wrote about the mystic reality, and it is mentioned by Rumi, and Omar Khayyam.

Another reason why southern Europeans have always drunk wine with their food, because wine helps to break down the proteins so that it is more easily digested by the intestines. Scientifically proven that the gut flora impacts upon the brain.

Both Jesus and Elijah = healers of children. Hence, Jesus said, bring the children unto me.


The difference between the lamb and the goat, the goat provides the milk and the NT mentions the milk of the Christ teachings. It's no coincidence that the youngest Son of Joseph, my dad was born in the sign of Aries the Ram. And he was a living example of the milk of the Christ teachings that he lived with his family. No coincidence then that the bible says that the vine of Joseph climbs over every wall. Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame.

Scripture shares with you that Jesus was transfigured when he saw the Spirit of Moses and Elijah manifest before his eyes. People are changed when they have a real life experience of Spirit with their eyes wide open. The same happened to the Son of Joseph, he was changed when he saw the Spirit of his dad for the first time, it was at that point that he became an avid believer in life after death, and a lot more. Sometimes people require the evidence to know the truth for themselves.


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