
Thursday 19 April 2018

PESACH SHENI 29th April 2018

In March, I shared what happened after I had the dream of the mum's cut glass tumbler and how I had a lottery win on passover.

In April I was given a glass in a vision, and I called the blogpost,  "Elijah's Glass", because it was a wine glass that was being given.

Yesterday, I began thorough house cleaning to get rid of the ants in the kitchen, cleaning out the cupboards and housework always reminds me of mum.

After cleaning the main kitchen cupboard, I put cinnamon in the sides of the cupboard, and on the kitchen worktop. I've sprayed with vinegar, and left out some bicarbonate of soda with sugar in it to catch the ants too.

It was a lot of effort required for yours truly, as I suffer physically, if I stand up for too long. Then I have to sit down to recover. A sure sign that my body has worked too hard during my life, if only young people realised how easy it is to wear your body out.

My mother also suffered due to all the hard work that she had done during her life too. All the standing on her feet working in shops, all the lifting and carrying at work and at home, all the housework, all the walking, it all took it's toll on her ageing body. Although dad did help her when he was on the planet.

In ten days it will be the Second Passover, Pesach Sheni and it is written "Thirty days ago we cleaned our homes and souls for leaven, and matzahed our way through the week-long festival of Passover, and now, Pesach Sheni arrives on the 29th of April, 2018.

So now I think how much could be transformed at home in the next ten days. Concentrating on it for  a few hours each day. Making sure that I take my supplements every day, making sure that my body receives the appropriate nutrients that each of the systems in my body requires.

So at this time, I am concentrating on having a routine in my life, a routine that supports my life and my body, self-nurturing is essential.

Then I can enjoy Pesach Sheni on the 29th of April, and the end of April is well aspected for yours truly. The 29th of April, in numerics is the "Day of Image". That then reminds me of the "Jump suit dream" and the change of image that happens when you buy something new.

Will you be giving someone a second chance on this second Passover.

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