
Wednesday 4 April 2018

Nigel Farage on Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan told to "Get to grips" due to the "murder" rate in London being the highest it has ever been, 46 people so far this year. However, that increased with two more making 48.

Sadiq Khan should resign immediately and so should Theresa May with her sidekick, Amber Rudd. Our people are not safe in their own capital city, let us remind you that the immigration has been so high in London, that British people are now a minority in their own capital city. In some schools, in some classes, 67% of children don't even speak English. In the UK there are 770,000 people that don't speak English, if you think that's OK, think again, it's cultural genocide.

Communities are discussing this all over the UK, remembering what life was like in the UK prior to mass immigration and membership of the EU. People write about tackling it, both at home and abroad, however, "violence" of that nature is not a basketball game, it is not something that can be tackled. 

What we have to do is take an in-depth look at the statistics, instead of looking at overall figures, we have to look at it more deeply to analyse it, each individual case to arrive at the root cause. Is it about having a knife or a gun, what if they were all removed, people are still mowing down children on sidewalks with a car, most recently in Scotland. Are you going to ban cars too, or are you going to stop the immigration and close the borders. 

Some people put the responsibility onto parents, some onto social media, people are searching for answers and solutions. It is a state of emergency, one of the first things our country can do, is put in metal detectors in all public places, like they have in Israel, just for starters. Another thing that could be done is send the military into the no go zones. We have to make our country safe again.

A cab driver in London has said that where the young girl was shot, it is a war zone, if the cab drivers know that - then the police know that too, so why haven't the military been called in to that war zone, to sort it out. That's right, Theresa May is far too busy with Russia, she's more interested in Russian citizens then she is British citizens. 

Of course, we have to increase the amount of police officers and not reduce them. Budget cuts of public services, austerity, Theresa (Sharia) May, at the cost of so many lives, was it worth it, to have a Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan. 

David Wood discusses the latest Muslim campaign, let's see if the police can come up with the person who actually has the addresses of the people that received those letters. Did you notice that the campaign was launched right after the news in Telford broke, ask yourselves was that a coincidence, or was it deflection away from what has happened in Telford. 

I have to admit it looked like more Palleywood to yours truly and a PR stunt. Did you take note that it was Muslims that were promoting it in social media. I did.

It's chilling what happened to two more teenagers in London.  The two youngsters that Nigel Farage mentions in his radio rant.

In California there has also been a report of an Iranian woman that went on a shooting spree at the youtube headquarters because her videos were censored. What does that say about the maturity of that woman. 


Yet, some Muslims are on youtube telling us how mature they are, mature enough for child marriages they say. Can you believe it that there are Muslims promoting child marriages in the 21st century and that is not being censored. Ponder upon it! 

Freedom of speech has been censored by the PC brigade and the "Speech Police", yet, why don't those same police stop the promotion of the Islamic ideology that is a co-creation of the Telford situation. Forty years it's been going on, and now a "drive-by shooting" of a young girl in London. 

Condolences to the families and friends of those young people, words cannot express how our people feel right now. London and everyone that was born in London is mourning for the youth of today, and we all mourn in our own way. 

And, no, I don't think that David Lammy MP has the answers, Labour supported mass immigration. Although I still think he would have made a better mayor of London than Sadiq Khan. 

Our guys in London went to speak to the youth last night, risking their own lives in Tottenham, and I heard a mum say to the youth, come home and live a proper family life. May that truth ring in their ears. 

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