
Saturday 14 April 2018

Jonaya Fenessa -v- Speech Police

People have written that Austrian Martin Sellner was stopped from entering the UK again yesterday at the airport, and that he has been told that it is a permanent ban on coming to the UK. The Generation England and Ireland Conference is happening today and can be viewed on-line. The UK can try to stop the messenger but they won't stop the speech.

A journalist Jonaya Fenessa from Greater Manchester, responds to the police as she has received "death threats" and the police have refused to investigate it, at the same time as the police officer turned on Jonaya threatening the journalist.

In this video Jonaya cites the law in her defence, the correspondence between herself and Michelle Davies, and has also started a petition that you might like to sign.

I absolutely support Jonaya and her stance. Remember this our people are receiving "death threats", while our people are being arrested for saying, "I do wish you would speak English". The British police force are in breach of human rights law, article 19 and a lot more.


Challenging sixth form college in Oldham

JOHN an Apostles name, JOHN 8

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