
Wednesday 25 April 2018


I was listening to Joan of Arc, and the computer crashed, a message for France.


No coincidence that I am cooking chicken in mustard grain, mustard seeds, garlic and honey at this time. 

Chicken cooked with mustard is known to be a French dish. My vegetables, are potatoes, parsnip, carrot, tomatoes and aubergine with sweet green pepper. I've also made some no yeast pizza dough, for a couple of balls to have with my meal. 

I once had contact with St Joan of Arc, a long time ago. It was about fifteen years ago. Her message was a message of encouragement to continue to listen to the divine and do divine will. Joan was passionate and there was an emergency in her voice. Divine fortitude. She only drew close once, although it is unforgettable, just as she is unforgettable for the French. Other saints drew close in that timeline too, St Francis of Assisi, and St Jerome I remember particularly. They all had something to share and impart.

So what is so important about today, the 25th of April is the "Day of Substance". 

Seeds metabolise the fastest, so great for nutrients, it's no coincidence that Jesus spoke of the mustard seed. 

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