
Tuesday 3 April 2018


Generation Identity England & Ireland wished SOAS University of London, a Happy Easter. This video was uploaded on the 31st of March, 2018. When the Happy Easter banner was erected, a Somalian student then tells the other students that they're not welcome in their own country, the audacity of it.

We can't have immigrants telling our indigenous people what we can and cannot do in our own country. Generation Identity England & Ireland has arrived and some are celebrating it.

If a student would like to learn about African philosophers rather than European philosopher's, wouldn't it better if those people went to a university on the Africa continent, I think so. 

When I was in Israel, you could hear loads of voices of American students that had chosen an Israeli university, I also met some that were spending their gap year in Israel.

Some years ago, I met an Italian in Italy, that shared that he had chosen to go to a university in Cairo, Egypt. People don't have to go to an English university, there are plenty of options. In fact, if we had less foreign students, there would be many more places for our indigenous population of youth that would like to go to university but can't due to the degree places being limited. 

I remember one degree course where there was only 35 places and 800 applicants. At least that was a degree that gave people a job at the end of it. 

What use is a philosophy degree anyway, how many jobs do you see advertised offering positions for philosophers. Gone are the days when people could afford to study for a degree in a subject just for the fun or sake of it. 

It's enjoying to read the Greek philosophers, although you don't have to go to uni to read philosophy.

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