
Sunday 15 April 2018

Church of the Nutrition

This documentary is about a first century house in Nazareth, some people think it could be the house where Jesus, Joseph and his mother lived. It was found underneath a church that had been built upon it. Archeologists began investigating it in 2006, the year that I was sent to northern Israel to call a gathering for the first time.

It's an interesting documentary, if you like these types of archaeological documentaries, as I do.

As far as I am aware the Galileans, spoke a different dialect than those in the south of Israel. In fact, the DSS, and biblical scholar, Geza Vermes, wrote that Jewish people in the south, made fun of those in the north, and how they spoke. He wrote how the Galileans dropped their "aitches". Although, that isn't mentioned in this documentary.

Towards the end of the documentary it mentions how some people tried to push Jesus over the precipice, and that he told them he would fulfil his ministry elsewhere. That reminds me of a recent dream that I had this year of being close to a cliff edge with a colleague, and I stopped the healer from going over it. So I can see the link with the dream and this documentary.

The Jerusalem Post have written that there is some collaboration with the archaeologist's findings, as there is a record of a monk from Scotland visiting the area on pilgrimage in 670CE, and he wrote about a house where Jesus spent his infancy.

The name "Church of the Nutrition" is interesting to yours truly, and as we know the area was farmland. If I am ever able to return to Israel again, I would like to visit the site and the sisters of mercy, to see what I can pick up there. If he would like me to do a remote viewing of it, he will show me. If he would like me to go there he will make it happen. I must admit I really like northern Israel, it's a beautiful location.


  1. This morning he spoke while I was waking up, "You are the one, there is no other, nor will there ever be again, one like thee".

  2. Interesting video removed from youtube! The Church of the Nutrition is also known as the Church of St Joseph and it stands close to the basilica!

