
Monday 16 April 2018

CHIRON in ARIES 17th of April

Chiron is interesting. Chiron in Aries, on the 17th of April staying with us until April 2027, a new nine cycle fascinating, as it aligns with my new life cycle that began in my life this year.

Pamela Gregory shares with us that the last time we had this transit was in 1968. Yes, Son of Joseph marching to ban the bomb in London, CND, I remember it, the passion of that Aries humanitarian man of peace.

People are already talking out against Theresa May's war against Syria. The fact of the matter is that most people are happy to defend our countries, yet, not willing to support war against other cultures and continents.


Pamela speaks of this Chiron transit in terms of  "Turning a weakness into a strength". The 17th of April, is also the "Day of Purpose" in numerics. My view is that it can be a time of finding new purpose in your life or a different reason for being in this timeline.

In this video Pam also includes the planetary energies of the full moon in Scorpio on the 29th of April and that is the "Day of Image".  As she says, it is strong yang energy, and I'm really feeling heartfelt for the youth and the younger generations that are having to cope with what successive governments have done to their families and facilities in their local areas.

It's interesting how different people have different views of. Pam mentions it as Chiron being the "Wounded Healer". Where this guys views it as the action orientated "Healed Warrior". 

As far as the "healed warrior" is concerned, if people have actually been involved in the deep healing process in recent decades, then they have also healed the spiritual warrior, if they have done that specific work. 

It's a long time ago when I was running ascension workshops, where and when people could be helped to make an ascent via healing deeply, and it did lead us to past lives to release the spiritual warriors from past lives, so that the ascent to the next level could come to be. 

This guy says that Jesus had a Chiron in Aries, interesting perspective. Aries rules the face, and last week the divine message received was "You are the face of life".

And yesterday, Rosh Chodesh, I put coconut oil on my face after my bath.  

"Alcohol on the wound",  is an important aspect, as one of my remedies that removes physical pain in the hands, and stops my hands locking up is golden sultanas in gin. Hence health, healing and nutrition is going to be a vital aspect in this life cycle. Are you growing your own food. 

Did you know that doctors have also been injecting alcohol into nerves around "cancer tumours", to stop "cancer from spreading for 30 years and that it has been successful at getting rid 'cancer". How many doctors know that! 

This video shares that Ghandhi, Carl Jung, and Nelson Mandela all had Chiron in Aries too. Whether you liked them or not they were very powerful men, and achievement was definitely theirs. Yea, I can say that my dad achieved a lot during his lifetime, he certainly was on purpose.

Gandhi and Mandela involved in the law, and Carl Jung studied the spiritual law and spiritual texts. Legally, scientifically, and peacefully is certainly the way forwards and once you know what planetary energies are impacting, you can then see more clearly how to navigate your way through it.

It's certainly a time of an uprising of people in the UK and Europe. In England we've got Tommy Robinson and his new ARMSTRONG bus that he was gifted while on holidays.

We've got Toni Bugle and M.A.R.I.A.S. and the organisation of the women's march on the 20th of August, 2018 with Baroness Cox to Speakers Corner.   We've got Sa Ra and his fabulous interviews, we've got Kalam, and TITANS TV filming live streams in London. The G.A.N.G. are on it with the youth in London.

We've got patients and NHS workers and our judicial reviews with Steven Carne, at 999 Call For The NHS. We've got Sargon and the STAGS doing his thing too at Speakers Corner, and uploading intelligently, he's had his first meet up with his team.

We've got TAN at Speakers Corner, and Generation Identity England and Ireland have just had their conference. Mars in action on the home front, such passion and devotion and dedication to the great cause of saving our country and nations people.


It's all go ain't it, we never stop, as Jesus said, the only law worthy of humanity is the law that brings freedom, so what does that say about the cabinet at No 10.

It's the people against the parliament now, whether they like it or not. They were given plenty of opportunity to sort it out, and bow to the will of the people. As they didn't do so, we are coming for you lot, because our people are not putting up with it anymore, enough is enough, and we shall not be silenced, for Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance".

Then we've got Milo and his crew in America. Professor Jordan Peterson and Professor Gad Saad in Canada and a lot more, our guys are on it. Plenty of mars energy with those guys, can we say manhood is back big time and about time. I do love it, when they're being all macho, I like a man to be a man around me.

A Chiron chart that some might like to view.

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