
Saturday 7 April 2018


Prior to the recent spate of events in London, the heavenly Father spoke and he gave a warning and he said, "The knives are out". The ides of March.

I didn't post it on the blog at the time as I knew what was being promoted on-line. I also thought I would wait to see if there was any further message or location given. Since then I stayed on it, and watched to see what happened and reports from the community are that we have some great youth workers in London. In this video report from the FT, some of them share their views.

People in London, have been saying for a long time that London isn't a safe place to be. My born and bred mother left London after my dad passed over as she didn't feel safe in London anymore without him. Generations of our families moved out of London due to it. Yet, due to political correctness, people were not discussing the reasons in the media. They are now. 

The Nigerian youngster's name was Israel, may he and all of the other children rest in peace. Condolences to all of their families.

When the riots happened in 2011, I looked at the scriptures, and there was a biblical prophecy to do with "little Israel", that fitted with what happened. Remember that east and north London once had a lot of Jewish people living in it. In the late 70's, I even hired my wedding dress in Stamford Hill, from a Jewish owned hire shop. Even then Jewish people were leaving London and some went abroad, some to Israel and some to America.


This is what London looks like now, cultural genocide. The Islamisation of London, this report says that most of the police officers on the beat are Muslims too. It would be interesting to look at those figures. Is that one of the reasons that the police stood back, when the children were rioting in 2011, it does make us wonder.


Then this morning I had a dream, a nightmare. A African-Carribbean man had been taken out, then I saw a mercenary, and he took out a couple, it's hard to put an age on the people involved, I'd say that they were probably around the age of 50.

There was three men in the dream and a woman, making four people. The numeric of four relates to instinct and the planet Mercury, and Mercury has been retrograde, and that impacts on communications and technology, so not surprised that the police are putting the responsibility onto social media, American owned platforms and the Obama supporters.

The numeric of four also relates to the material world,  four is a square numeric. Did you know that the plan was for Obama to be the leader of the African nations, that fact was shared by the Nation of Islam, USA. The Kenyan, Obama liked his drugs too didn't he.

When I woke up I thought that the assassination was due to the London drug war. David Lammy MP says that the drug market is £11BN, so some people are making a lot of money from the "drug gang war" being involved in it, and clearly that is impacting on the youth in London who are delivering the drugs to those that are paying for them.

The gangs living in London, involved in drugs have increased with each decade, and the more immigration there is the bigger it gets and the more people are dying due to it. Lammy says that you can order drugs like ordering a pizza. Historically, it is also the males that have been more inclined to take drugs than the girls.

In dream interpretation to dream of "being a witness to a killing portends a change that will not be to your liking". Sadly, that wherever there is drugs there is usually "violence" and it's not just about recreational drugs either is it, because we know that pharmaceutical drugs can also be a reason for the "violence".

If you look at the east end in London, you can see the cultural genocide, the east end of London is now mostly Islamic and the British government have allowed "No go zones" to exist. Hence, some responsibility has to be put upon the British government for the co-creation of mass immigration. We have to close our borders immediately, no more immigration, no more economic migrants.

We also know that due to the NHS refusing to pay for some essential medicines, that is opening up a new "black market" because some medicines can be purchased in Turkey for a fraction of the cost in the UK. A young English girl shared that a drug that costs the NHS England £400 a month, can be bought for £10 in Turkey, so what does that say about NHS negotiations.

Remember this "Violence vexes the Spirit of God". During my life I have proven that people can be healed, even "drug takers" and "drug dealers", can go beyond it, but people have to be ready, and willing to make the changes that have to be made.

People can break the cycle, people can make a breakthrough, as I said, it requires a willingness to do it. Love is always standing by, ready for those that wish to make the necessary changes and to heal their lives. Lives can be saved, true story, the widow's son, story is true, in these hands, radiant healing hands.

Our families in London are in deep trauma, families, friends, and loved ones are deeply bereaved due to it happening over and over again, and Theresa May was more interested in Russian citizens than our own. Assassinations have a deep impact on the psyche of a nation, not just the individuals involved.

What did I have to eat last night, I made homemade soup, after that I made an almond cake, with fresh lemon juice and south African golden sultanas. Yet, I was given this dream on the morning of the last day of passover. Whilst editing this blog post, I could smell incense, that means people are praying for help, and the saints are receiving their prayers. 

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