
Monday 2 April 2018

Andrew Samuels -v- Jordan Peterson

Last year I was wondering how long it would take Andrew Samuels from Essex University to respond to the Canadian Professor, Jordan Peterson, as they are both involved in lecturing on Carl Jung's work.

His website now gives one of his rants on Jordan Peterson's work and he correctly says, that "content is more important than the number of views".  I do agree with him on that, and that is something that I have also said previously.

However, I don't always agree with Professor Jordan Peterson, and I don't always agree with Professor Andrew Samuels either, as both tend to look at Carl Jung's work through an academic lens.

And we are allowed to agree to disagree.

So for instance I have seen Andrew Samuels write that Carl Jung never gave any prophecy, when in fact he did. Carl Jung was far more spiritual than the credit he has been bestowed by many academics. He was also deeply vexed by WW2 and what humanity are capable of.

Ask these professors about the initiations on the journey of life, how many of them can go into the initiations in depth based upon their own experience of their spiritual life. My view is that far too many academics have concentrated on the "archetypes", in preference to the initiation's that Carl Jung was incredibly interested in.

It is clear to yours truly that Professor Jordan Peterson has been deeply vexed by what students in Canadian universities have been capable of, not only the students, but other academics too. His own job was on the line and he even had to raise his own money to pay for his students to continue their research.

Many Americans have also been vexed by the "violence", co-created by the left, and the Liberal Democrats and their followers on American campuses with Conservatives being marginalised in North America.

We have to look at this in the content and context of the time, and of the environment in which Professor Jordan Peterson has been standing up forcefully for freedom of speech.

Did you congratulate him for that Andrew, as Jordan has been defending our international human rights. Something that Essex University should have been doing far more pro-actively in the public domain.

At a time when the law in Canada was being changed forcing the change of language that he and other professors in Canada are against. Professor Gad Saad and Professor Jordan Peterson both gave their testimony and their supporters applauded them for doing so.

Has Professor Andrew Samuels been willing to give his testimony to the British government or is he just going to rant about others and decline an OBE. Also shouldn't we be asking why Andrew hasn't done a rant on the "anti-semitism" in the Labour party and amongst socialists.  Or why Conservative journalists were banned from entering the UK.

I have the utmost respect for Andrew Samuels, he has even declined to accept an OBE, he is true to himself and his politics.  Although I don't agree with him on his views on Israel. Maybe if Andrew lived in Israel his views would change.

However, he is yet to stand up in the public domain to defend our western cultures, and indigenous people. In the way that Professor Peterson has done and for that many people over and above people that embrace the Carl Jung's works, are eternally grateful.

It is an historic timeline people, so make sure you are on the right side of history. Make sure that you stand up to cultural genocide, make sure that you support regeneration and not replacement of our people, languages and cultures.

We the people don't live in an academic ivory tower as many academics and politicians do. We the people are engaged with and know what has happened to our countries due to multi-culturalism that is supported by Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters.

The fact is that reality has changed, we knew that it would when new media was launched in the 90's, the people are gaining content from social media, and information is being spread at an incredible pace. Peer reviewed academic journals can't keep pace with the sheer immensity of the traffic that is flowing or the speed of it. For many years it was called the "quickening".

Academics no longer have the final say on what a person is offered, or the choices that they make, no longer can universities and their academics control the narrative. Some people stepped up at the right time and the timing was perfect. Divine intervention!

In my humble view there is a prophecy about England that can be found in Isaiah 49.

Happy Passover Andrew, get your kimcha d'pischa on.


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