
Tuesday 24 April 2018

46 Years and Three Days Prophecy

There is a verse in scripture that mentions 46 years, and 3 days and I've pondered upon it and you might like to do so too. In John 2:19-21, Jesus says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." They replied, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?" But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

So what happened to you when you were 46 years old, where were you, and what were you doing.

The October prior to it, my teenage son and I returned from Australia, we returned with next to nothing to start life all over again, we had hoped we would live in Australia for the rest of our lives, but we had to come home due to the changes made to the Australian education system, no longer were British provided with education in Australia. Australia refused my son secondary education.

My life experience is that the Commonwealth only works for people that come to the UK, it doesn't work if you go to a different Commonwealth country. Is that fair, and just, I don't think so.

After that my teenage son refused to go to college, even though I was willing to pay for it, he said, that he only "wanted to go to school in Australia, to have school friends", so I had no choice but to bring him back home to England. I chose to put him and his education first, as he was also homesick.

If the Australian embassy had told us prior to leaving that he would be refused education, when we arrived in Australia, we wouldn't have gone to the country. We would've stayed in the UK, until after his education was completed.

In the new millennium, the third millennium, in the year 2000, we picked up the pieces of our life that had been shattered and we began again.

In the mid 40's it can often be a time of a mid-life crisis, when people can take drastic action, and make drastic changes to their lives and living it. It can be a time when the soul is calling out for change, and for people to live their life purpose and reason for being incarnated. It is written that if people don't reach that point prior to the age of 49, they rarely do manifest their life mission and divine purpose for being after 50.

In 2002, CEO, David Green was one of the people that came into my life, and we shared so much spiritually prior to his passing. The remote healing was powerful, we had an incredible connection and we had lived through so many past lives together.

2002-2003, a whole new life phase had been embedded, that was the year of successful work in health, healing and spirituality, it was also the year of the harmonic concordance and the mission to Italy. I was doing quite a few remote scans in those days for healing purposes.

Then in 2003 when the planetary energies and configuration co-created the Star of David, it was a momentous spiritual timeline for spiritual people everywhere. Spiritual people from around the world gathered together and celebrated the Harmonic Concordance. Exactly has biblical prophecy said that we would. The angels called the elect from all directions, my in box was being filled for six weeks, with emails from the healing angels.

In mystical Judaism, a day can represent a day, a month or a year.

In hindsight, I can see what was "destroyed", in my mid 40's and I can see how Jesus rebuilt the life of yours truly again, in 2004 I was told who I was, and the truth was only shared with a few people at that time, and has he said, recently, "You are the face of life".

Now the timeline moves on with Chiron in Aries, and we haven't had that transit since 1968. Some have written that Jesus was born with Chiron in Aries, and so have all the babies that were born on the 23rd of April, 2018. A new generation have been born.

At the weekend I had a dream and male teenagers were talking about the length of a name, so I wasn't surprised when Kate birthed a son.

I am certainly used to "fortitude and consolation in adversity", as indicated by the recent dream, most of my life has been about overcoming, even my own birth on the planet. The amount of times that I've had to pick myself up and dust myself down, and start anew.

You get to the point whereby you are very experienced at it, although the older you get, you just don't have the same amount of physical energy that you had when you were younger to turn your life around, and that is when the divine step in to help out. Especially when the divine knows how much you have given of your life to help others.

This year is a one year in my life cycle, and it's certainly a year of starting anew. A new direction in life and living it. The last time that Chiron was in Aries, in 1968, it was the end of writing to a pen pal, and the end of a friendship, the following year I started work full-time, six days a week. So next year should be interesting for yours truly, seeing what it manifests, as a one year is often a year of preparation prior to charging forward.

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