
Monday 23 April 2018

23rd April 2018 Babies Born

There have been a lot of babies born today on St George's Day, and they all have something in common on this "day of security". The babies have been born with Chiron in Aries, and the last time that we had that transit was in 1968. They have been born on the Cusp of Power, Aries-Taurus Cusp with a north node soul journey in Leo.


Due to the recent Jesus dream that I had being amongst a gathering of male teens, that were discussing the length of the name; I anticipate a long name, chosen by William and Kate, for their son. A strong Christian biblical name. Hence a name with Christopher and or Michael in it.

Christopher being the name of a patron saint of travel, and Michael the name of the Archangel of Protection, Courage and Truth.  As this is a time of "Fortitude and consolation in adversity".

The Dream

The babies face was very red in places, and if you look closely at the photograph, it wasn't a reflection from the dress that Kate was wearing. George didn't look very happy about it on arrival, although Charlotte was adorable waving at the crowds of photographers.


Whatever you think of the monarchy, the joy of a new birth is infectious and Diana would be beside herself to hold these children in her arms. I remember how excited my mother was when she met her grandson for the first time.

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