
Thursday 1 March 2018



The Jewish story of Purim is all about destiny. 


"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11 

There is an interesting Nostradamus prophecy, that mentions a land-based tripod. Who uses a tripod, photographers and film makers. "Sitting alone at night in secret study; it is placed on the land-based tripod. A narrow flame comes out of the solitude and makes successful he who should not be believed in vain". C1.Q1. 

Then cross-reference that prophecy with the biblical prophecies, Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame. It is no coincidence that Jacob-Rees Mogg is so popular at this time. Interesting that in 2005-2007 timeline, I bought a movie camera for my son, and it came with a tripod.

I thought it might encourage him to explore his creativity and get into film making. My son dabbled with it and had some fun with it, with his friends, although he didn't continue with it. As was often the case with his interests. We also have a filmmaking charity in our location, although they weren't able to get the youngster engaged either.

However, I still have that tripod and camera, I mention it as I think it relates to the timeline. The tripod is also kept in a bookcase and the books are above the tripod. The son of Joseph also liked filmmaking, he always had his camera with him when we were on holidays. During my first work career, I was given the opportunity to work in television, radio and film in London. During that time I met some wonderful creative people, it was an awesome time in my young life.

Then this week I had a dream of a lighting man and lighting is used in photography and film making.

Nostradamus is citing the NT, and Corinthians in that quatrain; when he writes of "he who should not be believed in vain" and that reminds me of when Jesus said to this unfettered flame of love, "Your love is not in vain". He said that after I left a health and healing forum where I had been sharing the truth during the Rev 12 timeline. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008, after that he compelled the blogging that led to now.

Interesting that the Christian Lionel Ritchie has been a bigger success in Europe than he has been in America from whence he came to us. Europeans love to love, blessed are the peacemakers. No coincidence then that the son of Joseph was a justice of the peace. Shalom. 

The lovely Donna Summer, 1976, 
her love was also a great success in Europe.

Today is the day of "Artistic Expression". 

So how is the British Film Industry doing, "The force is strong with the British Film Industry, as revenues soar" was the headline in the Guardian in 2016. 


2018 article, British film and TV industry saw record investment in 2017. 

I just realised it's full moon today in Virgo, the Virgo is all about the perfectionist. Hence it impacts upon the work environment. 

Love beyond measure

1 comment:

  1. Lewis Gilbert, Director of ‘Alfie’ and Three James Bond Films, Dies at 97. “It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of our dear friend Lewis Gilbert,” Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said in a statement on Tuesday. “Lewis was a true gentleman. He made an enormous contribution to the British film industry as well as the Bond films, directing ‘You Only Live Twice,’ ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ and ‘Moonraker.’ His films are not only loved by us but are considered classics within the series. He will be sorely missed.”
