
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Song for Dad's Speakers Corner

This is a lovely song for dad's, especially all of those dad's that are defending our culture and freedom of speech. March is the month of the anniversary of my dad's birthday, and he certainly did a lot of marching during his life to "ban the bomb", and he also spoke to an audience in Hyde Park.

He was a great orator, and was invited to lecture at Ruskin College. He was an Aries born on the 23rd of March.

I am sure that he was smiling with me, when I was also invited to give a lecture at a university in England, and spoke in many venues, as teaching his daughter how to use her voice was made a priority by him.

I've been reading an article about Speakers Corner and it's history, how the socialist Tony Benn gave a speech in that location in 1987. The Independent share that he read extracts from a banned book titled, "Spycatcher", 500 people listened to him say, "the time has come when those who believe in freedom, democracy and justice must make a stand". In this video he spoke of how Britain must leave the EU to restore democracy.

If you think that freedom of speech is essential, as my dad did, and I do, I recommend that you read this article as it is an article that is taking a stand against what has been happening at Speaker's Corner.

Ban the bomb, not the speech. 

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