
Friday 30 March 2018


I forgot to share with you that when I was on my way to get my passover food on Thursday, there was a huge rainbow above my location and the gateway of prosperity.

That's the first time I have seen a rainbow for such a long time, and it is always a very positive sign in my life. The rainbow, symbolic of the covenant with God, the will of God.

I've just seen this amazing sight that was seen in Israel, it was uploaded on the 23rd of March, 2018.

As you can see the clouds unfold, you can see an image of Jesus in the clouds, it looks like it is coming from the side where Syria is. That indicates to me, the freedom of Syria.

I was honoured to go to the galilee and bless the waters in May, 2006, and to look upon Syria with love in my heart. While there with an Israeli artist with our feet in the sea, sending our love to Syria.

After our prayers and ceremony, Rhea asked me what did you see, I responded I saw an elephant. She asked what does the elephant mean to you, I responded, the elephant is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom, it is the overcomer of obstacles. Ganesh. In Africa the elephant has right of way.

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