
Monday 12 March 2018

Psalm 118 Tears of A Mother

When trust in humans was destroyed, I wept and I prayed, and the mother and her child was given a spacious place to live in. The Father heard my prayer. It was a very spacious place with huge windows and in that place I began to write the story, in that place I was also successful.

The Psalm mentions that in that place the stone that the builder rejected, became the cornerstone.

The LORD saved us, the LORD granted us success.

Interesting that year ended with an eight, just like this year ends in 8. Trust in humans was destroyed, again and again, as it is written in Psalm 118, when that happens you weep, and you weep, and you weep for humanity, the tears of a mother.

When it was time to leave, with boughs in our hands, we gifted others, my son and I, with what he had made with his own hands. Little did I know at that time, that the boughs were mentioned in a prophecy in the Psalms.

At that time, I viewed it has a way that he could express his creativity. We would look for branches together, he would take off the bark, and paint the branches with symbols, and decorate the branches with feathers, beads and leather. Some were talking sticks, and some were longer as in walking sticks or a staff.

My son knew how to make them because he had already worked with a designer in England when we all worked together on the gift of the tomahawk that was given to an English healer that was also an elder.

The divine gift was to thank him for everything that he had done to help people to make a breakthrough during their lifetimes, and to encourage him to continue with his "inner child" work.

The message received in the 90's, was "The tomahawk will be as important to Peter, as the sword was to Arthur". That elder is now retired and I met one of his students last weekend. Many of his students are now elders themselves and it was wonderful to meet them. Sometimes they don't recognise me as we have all aged, although they still remember my name, and I remember their names, when I see them written.

Psalm 118 mentions how the gates of the righteous opened up, it certainly did. Many people were held in our hands and arms. Many people saw and heard the Son of God speak, some even saw him walking with me.

Trust in the LORD, give thanks to the LORD for he is good, his love endures forever.

He asks for this composers music. "Haydn".

"Blessed are those that listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.  For those that find me, find life, and receive favour from the LORD" Proverbs 8:34-35


  1. The Nepali authorities have promised to investigate the cause of the ninth fatal accident in eight years in the mountainous kingdom. But it is difficult to have full confidence in the work of the Nepal Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission and the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal.

    All the nation’s airlines are banned from the EU because safety officials do not trust the regulator.

  2. I've just been reminded of 2008, when I arrived in America, I was moved into a bigger place, much more spacious. More spacious always seems to happen in years ending in 8 for yours truly.
