
Saturday 24 March 2018


The land of Israel isn't an Island, and Isaiah 49 begins with addressing the Islands.  Prophecy unchained England. In Islamic history women and children were taken captive, just as they have been in Telford, in Shropshire and other areas of the UK.

"Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives be rescued from the fierce? But this is what the LORD says: "Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you and your children I will save". Isaiah 49:25 NIV 

The prophecy mentions children born during a bereavement, and the children will say, "This place is too small for us; give us more space to live in". 

I experienced a bereavement of my mother in 2005, she lived in a very small place, around that time a female child was also born into the family.  The following May I was sent to Israel to call a gathering, that also aligned with an Ezekiel prophecy. The first mission to Israel happened in May 2006. The second mission in 2007. 

People in England live in the smallest spaces in Europe. In 2014, the Telegraph shared a report. "British families are living in the most cramped conditions in Europe, with more than half of homes falling short of minimum modern space standards, new research has found. 

The study found that the UK has the smallest homes by floor space area of any European country, with the average new build property covered just 76 sq ft, compared with almost double that of 137 sq ft in Denmark." 

"I will also make you a light to the gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth". 

Isaiah 49 mentions the mother and her children, it also mentions a bereavement. If you cross reference Isaiah 49 with Psalm 116, the cup of salvation was lifted up prior to the bereavement. The bereavement in Psalm 116, is the bereavement of a mother, and the Psalm refers to her has a faithful servant. It then says, "truly I am your servant, LORD. I serve you just as my mother did".


  1. People have different views on the cups. This article discusses four cups and it will soon be passover. As far as I am aware this year it begins on March, 30.

  2. They make me smile, in this Jewish article they also write about the Cup of Elijah. The Cup of Eliyahu.
