
Tuesday 27 March 2018

Passover Painting 2018


Original A3 26th March, 2018. 

Paint spread on the 26th March, 2018. I've called it "Passover", as the Jewish holiday begins on the 30th of March, 2018. A painting passover sounds great to me. 

"Why is the UN defining Judaism as a war crime?" 

The UN Persecution of Israel. 

While the UN members continue to persecute Israel, and Judaism, the Saudi Arabs have been bombing Yemen for three years. Relief workers are saying that it is the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948. In March 2016, some of the last Yemenite Jewish people left Yemen for Israel.

Why aren't the Muslim members of the UN calling for resolutions on Saudi and why is Theresa May diverting attention onto Russia and away from Saudi -v-Yemen, and what has happened due to Muslims in Telford. Is that what the UN call justice, is that what Theresa May calls justice. Is that what the MSM call justice. 

This forthcoming weekend always reminds me of Kent as I spent most of this holiday time in Kent with family. The family time that was shared in nature, away from everything else that was going on. 

In Israel they pour out a glass of wine for Elijah and open the door, it would be interesting to know who introduced that to the Seder. In 2006, Israeli's kept on asking for the gathering to be in Jerusalem in Israel, I said no, I have to follow divine instructions to go north. 

After the mission to Israel in May, 2006, (three weeks) they kept on asking when are you coming back to Israel again, they had to wait and see what God had planned and so did I. 

Funny, that I have just noticed that during the Seder, they say, "Next Year in Jerusalem". Divine intervention, in September 2007, I was sent back to Israel and to carry out ceremony in Jerusalem.  Love beyond measure arrived again and I was in Israel for two weeks. There was big celebrations for the divine child and spiritual independence. Wonderful memories.

In the passover painting the colours are red, yellow, metallic pink, white, and orange-red. 

Other paintings spread in this month of March 2018. There is some Jewish blood in my veins, the vine of Joseph that climbs over every wall. I have a grapevine in my healing room, although it will have to go in the garden.

I've been enjoying my homemade carrot cake this week. English people like their carrot cake.

The last time I held a little child in my hands, while scanning his body and giving him Reiki healing, he shouted, "It's HOT". Yea, the power of love beyond measure, bless him. He's so gorgeous, with his natural golden hair.

In the 80's Reiki arrived in Israel, how great is that, the power of healing love spread across the land. In the prophecies it foretold that when we came bearing signs and symbols, it would be a blessing for Israel.


In Jeff Benner's March newsletter he offers some translations, and he did a name word study.

That then reminds yours truly of the "Aramatheopist" message received in December 2016.

Message received, "You have the eloquence, to impart what you have to impart". 

In other words, just get on with it. Yes, boss.

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