
Thursday 8 March 2018


I had another dream of a friend that is involved in healing animals and people. We were on top of a cliff, near the edge, and it was a sheer drop, she said, "I didn't show you this before did I".

Then has we we were walking down the slope and back to her farm house, two young women were walking towards us, they looked like twins and they had two old English sheepdogs with them.

Absolutely, beautiful young dogs and we stopped to talk about the dogs. One of the women was talking about breeding the dogs, the other woman did a different job, something official like land registry. Both of the young women had blond hair.

In dream interpretation to have a dream of cliffs, "is an obstacle dream of warning. Avoid any speculations or risks for the next few months unless you were successfully scaling the cliff, in which case the augury is reversed and indicates satisfactory rewards for your efforts". 

I view the dream has positive, in meaning, as we were both together, and we both came back from the cliff edge together. We were walking together back to the farm, and food is grown on farms. I began growing my own food last year, and it was a wonderfully positive transformation in my life.

I was in a nine year in my life cycle at the time. What began last year will certainly stay with me as it was completion of a journey with the power of food and it's nutrients. I am now in a one year again and that brings forth a new cycle of time.

There were four people in the dream, and two dogs, numerics can also be important in dreams. Knowing the number of people or things that were in the dream signifies an increase in prestige/personal power. Six is also a feminine numeric, and it is written that it vibrates to Venus.

Breeding in dreams is significant and the interpretation is "Dispose of existing obligations before considering new ones if you dreamed of breeding animals". Seeing women in your dream indicates a sign of increasing prosperity connected to women.

The women in the dream were younger than us, and together what we share can certainly help the younger generation not to go to the cliff edge. As being so close to the edge of the cliff is a very dangerous place to be, particularly related to health. The ground at the cliff edge can move under your feet, and the cliffs on the coastlines are crumbling like our national healthcare system in the UK.

Dogs in a dream can signify friends, friendly and affectionate dogs are positive and indicate pleasure and happy times with friends. They are also powerful healers, and this year is the year of the dog.

If the dogs were large, it signifies protection through a powerful friend. In the dream the dogs were young so they were still growing, although they were about medium size.



I like these dogs very much, we had an old English Sheepdog when my son was young, they are so affectionate.

American's like old English sheepdogs and it was known as the rich person's dog. We got our dog in the 80's from a rescue home, after my son was born, and it took at least six months to regenerate her.

When we removed her fur she was just skin and bone, and her fur was so matted her coat had to be removed, and she required feeding up, nurturing and someone who really cared for her health. She came from a family with a lot of children and the rescue home shared that they couldn't afford to feed their own children, let alone feed the dog.

As such, breeders have to be discerning on who they allow to have the dogs that they breed. Old English Sheepdogs are so incredibly loving, absolutely adorable. Another reason why Dulux chose the old English Sheepdog for their paint campaigns.

More pics of the old English sheepdogs.


  1. Interesting that I should have that dream this morning helping to stop women from going to the cliff edge. Just found out that it is International Women's Day today and there has been some funny comments from women in response to the corporations.

  2. Interesting yesterday was the first day of Crufts!
