
Thursday 15 March 2018

March 18th Speakers Corner

Tommy Robinson is planning to deliver a speech this Sunday at Speakers Corner, in Hyde Park.

The speech that was written by Austrian, Martin Sellner while he was being held in a detention centre   when he and his girlfriend arrived at Luton Airport.

Luton Airport of all places, Luton Airport will always remind me of the model Lorraine Chase and the Martini commercial.

Support is gathering momentum, across the social networks, and I hope that the bands come out, the drummers, bring on the carnival and give Tommy a big welcome to Speakers Corner. Move on up, as Curtis Mayfield used to sing. Come to Hyde park for free hugs, reggae, and a great speech.

Come on everyone have an extravaganza this Sunday, come out in force, in the power of love, show them how it's done. I've heard that the Muslims are looking for a punch up, and plan to regulate Speakers Corner, Hyde Park is a big park, plenty of room for us to have a party. No fighting, just dancing, singing, free hugs and having a great time. Come on you Liberalists, time for the stags to show up too.

Come on everyone, the bride says Come, and the Spirit says Come, it's show time. Unfortunately, I can't be with you in person, although I will be with you in Spirit.

March 18 is the "Day of Return" in numerics. Time for our people to return to take back our historic Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Time to return it to how it used to be when we were growing up, it's time to take our culture back so that many different people from different backgrounds can speak at Speakers Corner. Freedom of Speech is a universal human right. It's HOT!, HOT!, HOT!.

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