
Friday 9 March 2018


Young men keep on appearing in my dreams, this time it was a tall young gorgeous man with short dark hair and he had close cut facial hair. I'm just starting to remember the dream, he came to give me something, he was a professional man in a suit. Then later on in the dream he was wearing white. It looked like he was working in two different realities.

There was a conversation in the dream with women about relationships with younger men, as the man in the dream looked like he was in his 40's. Men in their 20's and 30's tend to take love for granted, by the time they get to their 40's, they've had plenty time to reflect on their deeds, actions, and co-creations.

In their 50's they become a lot more serious about their relationships and know who and what they are looking for due to their life experiences with women.  By the time they get to their 50's they've been married at least once, some have even been married numerous times.

Men are learning that they can't take love for granted and that they have to be more pro-active if they wish to save their relationships and families. They have to be more supportive and protective of the people that they love. It's an interesting dream to have just before mother's day, as mother's do have a psychological impact on relationships and the choices that people make.

If a man has had a good relationship with his mother, he usually finds happiness in his relationships with women. If he respects his mother and appreciates his mother, and he shows his mother often that he does truly love her, he will do the same in his relationships. Hence, the relationship between the mother and her son is crucial in how a man treats women.

If he is protective of his mother, he will be protective of a prospective partner. When men have had difficulties in their relationship with their mother, they usually look for a woman that is completely different to their mother, than he may wonder why he stills yearns for the best qualities of his mother in every woman that he meets.

When men have had successful mothers, especially in business, that can be difficult for them until they overcome their male insecurities. If a man is insecure deep inside that can impact upon the relationships and jobs that they choose and it can take them a long time to work out the reasons why.

In the dream there was also a young indian family in a car, and the wife shared that she was going to have a baby. I was happy for her, her indian husband, and mother.  In dream interpretation if a woman dreams of a pregnancy it is a promise of an increase in material wealth. If you dream of a foreigner it is also auspicious.

It was after I saw the young Indian family, that I saw the other man again, this time he was wearing white, like they used to wear in a clean room, science laboratory or hospital. He was a happy soul, and kept on smiling at me. If I remember what he was giving me in the dream, I will update this blog post. Although I do remember the first thing that he gave was something white and large with writing on it, there was also some technology involved in the latter part of the dream.

To dream of a strange man augurs well for aspects related to family, and mother's day is a family time. So mother's day is approaching, and I have a dream of a pregnant woman, and someone else's son. Sometimes other people's son's, appreciate you more than your own son. As some people appreciate what you did to help them and their families during your lifetime.

In the beginning of the dream I was being given something that was written down by the man, and when that happens in a dream, it means that you can be your own best friend, by not letting other's influence your judgement and to stand true to your principles. Divine wisdom is proven right.

Happy Mother's Day ladies, have a great weekend. Have a great Sunday.

So what's cooking, for the weekend, I've made some lemon curd last night due to receiving the message "Lemon Curd" when I had some right leg cramps.

Although it is lemon curd with a difference, my lemon curd has three spoonfuls of dried coriander in it. So it looks like it's going to be some lemon curd-coriander cake this weekend, or you could just use it as a spread on bread. I didn't have any leg cramp last night after having some of my lemon curd, so that's a winner! Coriander-Lemon curd made with these healing hands, the power of love in appreciation of the divine counsel received.

The Coriander Flower 

So will you give your mothers some coriander and lemons this weekend, what did you grow for her. Did you grow a lemon tree for her, I have a lemon tree growing in my healing room.

Did you know you can even eat the roots of a coriander plant. I've always liked coriander, it's strong in Vit K, and the mineral Manganese. Manganese was also divinely given in a message with the collagen. Stay on track, remembering what you've been given Spiritually, as every individual has their own journey and some of us are led spiritually and by Spirit for a divine purpose.

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