
Tuesday 13 March 2018

Lauren Southern Shares About The Arrest

Investigative journalists,  Lauren Southern and Tommy Robinson discuss what happened, this interview was held in Calais, in France. Jesus forewarned about the arrests, as it is written in the bible. When the police took my cell phone, there was nothing in it, just a few personal phone numbers.

"When they arrest you, do not worry on what to say, or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you". Matthew 10:19-20

Lauren from Canada, a commonwealth country, didn't allow the police to take her cell phone, and demanded that they give her legal representation.

Kent police even phoned her dad, they stopped her, questioned her, and stopped her from going onto England.  Kent police are in contravention of human rights law, article 19 the universal declaration of freedom of speech. They're also in contravention of the human right of dissent. As such, the three people that were banned from entering the UK, can take legal action and Lauren has made it clear that they intend to do so. Lawyers have already contacted Lauren to offer their help at a reduced cost.

What Lauren did on a previous visit to Luton, was provocative, it certainly wasn't a very bright thing to do in Luton, as Luton can be a very dangerous place where "terrorists" actually live.

Lauren Southern is certainly not a "terrorist", nor has she ever closed down a train station like the kurds and their supporters did last weekend. Lauren is no threat to British people, as such, should be allowed to travel to fulfil her investigative journalism in defence of freedom of speech.

So the question is are the British police force deporting the kurds and pro-kurds that caused chaos at English train stations last weekend, or are they only interested in journalists, and commentators that report on the news and defend freedom of speech.

From what Lauren shared about her arrest, and the questions she was asked by Kent police, they seem to be more interested in Christians. Tommy is right to ask, does every Muslim visiting the UK, have to go through the same interrogation that Lauren, a western woman had to go through.

What happened to equality, it comes to something when western female journalists are seen as a threat to our nation.

Theresa Sharia May is more of a threat to our country, she just gave Saudi another £100M, she won't last much longer, our people are arising. A true Christian would never give money to Saudi, Saudi that has funded "terrorism", in the mosques and Islamic schools in the UK.

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